Hoyt Rosita Motor Mount Fix For Hoyt Tabor/ Metroboard Pathfinder

Well, hello everyone! It’s been quite some time since I last posted here, and this is also my first time in the Vendor Corner!

So, you may be asking, 'Hey Jeff, what is this about?

Well, I’m glad you asked that question! This post is about a motor mount fix for the Hoyt Rosita trucks and Metroboard Pathfinder trucks. As some may or may not be aware, both of these trucks’ motor mounts have a serious issue—over-tensioning. This is the main problem: the mounts over-tighten the belts as you ride. I’ve personally faced this issue to the extreme, with belts snapping prematurely due to the strain, as well as blowing motor bearings and bending the motor shaft because of it!

Well, welcome to the reason why this post is being made.
Personally, as a former Hoyt Ambassador, I loved the Tabor. However, the only issue was the mount. I wanted so badly to enjoy the board without dealing with over-tension issues—whether it was my belts, motor shaft deforming, or, worse, my motor bearings blowing out mid-ride. Eventually, I decided enough was enough.

With the help of a local friend who had a set of Hoyt Rosita trucks that weren’t being used on any board, we set out on a solution. After a year in the making, we handed over the trucks to a wonderful, smart, and dedicated vendor/designer in the Esk8 space @Tony_Stark over at Radium Performance.

Together, with Liam’s great help, dedication to the project, and time, we were able to create a new set of mounts. These are similar to the original but address the over-tensioning issue, which stemmed from the auto-tensioning system that Hoyt had originally implemented into the trucks.
Below, you’ll find photos of the mounts, along with a video explaining how they work and comparing the old motor mounts to the new ones.

So, these were made in a limited batch because I couldn’t find enough Hoyt Tabor or Metroboard Pathfinder owners/users to justify producing a large batch of motor mounts for the fix.

So, here’s where you come in! If you’re a user of the Hoyt Tabor, Metroboard Pathfinder, or if you have Hoyt Rosita or Metroboard Pathfinder trucks and want a set of mounts, comment below and send me a message!

The mounts are all packed and ready to ship! I only have 3 sets left out of the original 10 sets ordered. The price for the mounts is $126 shipped to any of the 50 U.S. states! I can also ship internationally if needed.

Ships within 1-3 days after payment aswell as they are all pre packed and ready to go to anybody that needs!

Motor Mount Video


sick thumbnail :grin:


“widejeff isn’t real, he cant hurt you.”

W I D E J E F F:



Pa you funny hilarious matter a fact I busted up cracking reading this in a restaurant and got looked at crazy​:joy::laughing:

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Count me in for a Set!! Send me your Zelle / Venmo whatever works.

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First tabor to have the mounts installed for a local rider here in nyc!


As for anybody asking about the mounts I will be making a how to uninstall your stock motor mounts and how to install the new ones to help anybody that buys it!

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get em while its hot only 2 sets left! im shipping more Tommorow so can get them mailed Tommorow!

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Wide Jeff comin for ya :laughing::laughing:

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Update first set was installed and tested and clearance is good so far aswell as no issues so far will report after riding more on my own board setup as this was just me testing a customers set after install 2 more sets to be installed this week!


Is this stagger lntended??

I know the stock mounts weren’t exactly straight but man this is gonna drive me nuts :smiley:.

There’s a possibility it’s something else I’m not seeing causing this but idk @hoytkid


Truck clamps asymmetrical? Maybe flip one?

I’ll try it :+1: @Pecos

Nope same result :frowning:

Having the same issue with mine on my tabor, I can’t get them to line up properly and my handle isn’t lining up now :sweat:

Not sure if some board had an asymmetrical mount pattern on the hanger left and right and that changed later on or what but this is gonna bother the shit out of me. I’ve tried every which way of mounting them.

I didn’t have the issue on the 2 boards I installed them on. Although, you are the second one to mention that now. I’m wondering if something changed on the truck itself between batches. I’m just making assumptions at the moment about that. But I didn’t have any issues. Let’s set up a video call soon to get this figured out!


Trucks aren’t being used right now, but figured to install everything to check fitment. Looks perfect to me, handle’s sitting nicely too


Would you mind taking some pics of the inner portions of your truck to see what screws are installed and how the holes line up? I’m trying to see if mine are different in any way.


So noticed on the backside of the mounts, one of the positions of the screws lines up with the small flat edge on the truck hanger. See if it matches on both sides to the picture?

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