Hoyt Rosita Motor Mount Fix For Hoyt Tabor/ Metroboard Pathfinder

So yours are both in that exact position on each side? With the little line right on the face of the hanger? Because mine are very much not the same on both sides :sob: Those lines on the clamps look to be where the stock screws go.

Here are what mine look like (red for right side blue for left):

Here is what the stock mounts original screw positions look like vs. the new ones:

And this is what the stock mounting position looks like with the stock mounts.

They line up exactly with no offset, but the screw positions are different for each side. Ignore the screws on the inside of the hanger, that was just because I was testing a bunch of mount positions and didn’t wanna screw them on and off every time:

Stock screw position with new mounts:

Left side looks to be correct but right is wayyyyy off. That is the closest I could get it to the correct angle.

The closest I can get the trucks to line up is this where I moved the right side screws 2 positions right from stock, and it’s still off:

Not really sure where to go from here because without the motors lining up the bash guard and handle can’t mount anymore.


Damn I’m honestly perplexed because I did the setup on 2 boards and had no issues I’m set to do a 3rd board to install the mounts this weekend possibly I can provide you with feedback on what I come up with. Something I was also told might work is build the mounts put the handle on but don’t put the bolts to hold the motor mounts than line the mounts up in a position where the holes line up on both sides and it should work that’s a possibility

On that 3rd board just check and see if the mounting holes used are the same as the ones on my trucks or if they are symmetrical.

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Well third board isn’t gonna happen for a while cause customer doesn’t want to stop riding the board for atleast 12 hours to allow the red loctite to dry :smiling_face_with_tear:so gonna be a while he said so won’t be any feed back till than

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I did manage to get the handle mounted, the motors still aren’t lined up but at least this should be ridable even though it bothers me.

Basically the left side is like stock and right side used the stock screw position but different holes on the mounts. In order for it to work I had to:

  • Mount the bash guard with the hangar screws loose
  • Tighten the hangar screws
  • Remove the bash guard
  • Install motors
  • Reinstall the bash guard with some torquing to get the screws to line up. Made sure to barely tighten the screws so there was room to adjust then tried to go around tightening them evenly.

Seems like there are two different truck mount clamps. Gotta get a matching pair. Glad you have a temporary work around.

@hoytkid what is the solution for this? Did they gang them up to machine them but the set got split somehow? Seems like it’s just two that are having the issue, could one from a machined matched set have been split and sent to each of them by accident?

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As far as I know there was ever only 1 batch which makes the issue even more odd as I didn’t think at all that we would face this.

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There was only one design for the truck mount clamp. There wasn’t even a left/right part. It’s just one ambidextrous part.


So weird man, can it rotate around the truck hanger and only has one correct orientation then? I don’t know those trucks so idk anything just throwing spaghetti

For what it’s worth, Im guessing the issue is here.

See how the hoyt mounts have the screw holes spaced unevenly around the center, in 3 groups of 4? And the radium mounts have all 12 holes spaced evenly.

This means the setpoints (and degrees of change between setpoints) are going to be different.

I cant explain why this would cause issues on some boards and not others, but i recall that we had issues with tolerance stackup on these mount parts. The parts fit together kinda loosely, so we ended up making a jig that would hold everything aligned while it was assembled. Otherwise the parts would get skewed/clocked differently when tightened down. That inherent variability with the install position of each drivetrain, combined with the different mounting pattern of the radium mounts, could be causing the inconsistency yall are seeing.

Just a guess :man_shrugging:


Have you tried using symmetric holes? It seems to me that with the holes being evenly spaced on both the clamp and mount, you should end up using the same holes left and right instead of different holes like on the original mount. Also, the new mount uses 12 holes, which should line up when mirrored or rotated 180. The old one looks to be a 15-hole pattern with three holes not drilled, which wouldn’t line up after mirroring or rotating 180.

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