How to make an XT90 Loop Key

One day i will get around to designing the captured version of this. One day… once manually unplugging both my xt90s get old enough


I did this but pushed out the contacts with my soldering gun just to be sure.

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This is really nice, I love it.

The only issue I see is the tiny lip which won’t allow it to insert fully into the male side. Any way to get rid of the lip and shorten it a tiny bit?


That’s a solid point! I’ll take a look and see.

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Looks good besides that small lip problem. I’m going to need to make one for QS8

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This actually might be a feature not a bug, since the XT90E-M panel mount connector that he’s using is not deep enough for the XT90S-F connector to fully insert anyway. There’s always a little gap, so this printed part might just fill that gap nicely without changing how the two pieces interact.



I wouldn’t want to use that on an XT90 male though.

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This my take on a loop key. I wanted one without a string and one which my fingers could grab a little better than the others I have tried.

Designed so the short of the two pins doesn’t extend beyond the pins.

Glue xt90 female in the the holder. If the short is level with the pins you should get a small lip before the holder begins.

I have put a piece of braid between the two pins and filled with solder.


XT90 loop key made with an 80amp strip fuse and usb memory stick cover


Yes, any copper conductor that’s large enough should be fine :slight_smile:

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Will the insides of one 10 awg wire be enough? I have some scrap pieces of 10 awg from phase wires removed off a VESC I bought that would work very well for it.

I may also add some more copper on top of that so I can have enough material left over if I file it down to a nicer shape. I want to try and make it as compact as possible since I’ll likely coat it in epoxy for insulation.


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I thought I’d get to skip the whole cutting into abs and filing it to barely fit step but then I realized I can’t buy it.

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Got a restock on the way :heart:

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You need a loop you can put your finger through to pull it out

Paracord through the mondo solder loop. E Z

There’s a magnet in the way

What a great design! /s