How to I get this 9pin connected up to a vesc? Hobywing motor!!!!

I did, salvaged the two connectors pcb on a fryed hobbywing esc

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This is exactly what you need. Has the correct sensor connector to connect to a VESC, but you may want to double check that the balance wires are in the correct order.

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FOC wizard says 45Aā€¦

I forget where I found wiring but I have mine swapped with mr60 and 6pin JST

We are not talking about a BMS here.
Balance has nothing to do with it.

Did this a while ago. @iNoLikeFlexyDecks has this now.

I think you didnā€™t Include those and gave them to a friend instead

Sensor wires, not balance wires. My bad. Obviously thereā€™s no balance wires between a motor and an ESC. :roll_eyes: I would guess most other people know what I meant and that it was a typo.

Yes but I am an asshole sometimes. Excuse me.

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Haha, yeah, I have my A-hole moments too. No worries. Just got our wires crossed, I guess. :laughing:

I did 100% include them. Friend changed his mind. :joy:

Well anyway, I cut those connectors off a month ago because they couldnt handle the vibrations anymore