How to: Ackmaniac ESC Tool

I appreciate you saying so, it means a lot.

Truthfully and with all the honesty, that is not my intention. This is the only way I found to get people an easy to use method of getting a safe reverse and keeping PPM support. Sure I took a couple of jabs at Frank, it’s not like he hasn’t taken them at me. Frank/Trampa has proven, over & over, that he is not going to listen to us as a community, that he decides what we need and that is what we get. I’m done with that.

To be clear…I never said anything about Ben, I never do, he’s a ghost who I know nothing about, I only have assumptions.


Then they should call him “man-childish” . Implies a modicum of respect for the small step above children that most of us are here. I mean, it’s not like Mike picked his nose and wiped it on Frank. :rofl:

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hold my beer :slight_smile:

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Ack did send pull requests (as far as I remember) that I think sat for a year or longer.

Enertion doesn’t contribute and they never will. Jason doesn’t support open source. He’ll even tell you that.

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Benjamin included watt mode into the current (Current Mode) already so there’s no need.



as promised I’ve ported the smart reverse function back upstream.


Isn’t tested yet, and I’ve to modify the UI (vesc_tool) as well.

Please @Trampa @mmaner and whoever has coding experience to review my code. I’m not yet familiar with the entire codebase so the first PRs will require more feedback than usual.


That’s great, I appreciate the effort. While I do code, it’s not in that arena…webapps, DB, etc.

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I use flipsky ESC with default VESC_tool and now vesc_tool mobile. At no point did I feel coerced into buying VESC6 from Tampa. My old setup uses one vesc 4.12 from TB and one from chaka, works with them too. Actually it’s a breeze with the new setup, thanks to Ben. So now, I am trying to figure out how is the vesc_tool making it harder for other companies to sell their hardware. I give up.
Unless you are talking about hardware that’s derivative of VESC or other hardware designed by him, which would be plain stupid because that expects Ben to hunt down all variants of the hardware and write code for them too?


Thx @mishrasubhransu for your words of clarification.

It’s so much harder for other companies these days to sell VESC-based hardware that there is almost no more choice in the market. Irony off

I was speaking specifically about the new lack of support for PPM and the added support for NRF. Now that Trampa is selling an NRF remote support for PPM devices had been severely downngrade, an attempt to force people to buy Trampa’s NRF remote.

I thought that was obvious from the context, maybe not.

I find it funny that every rebuttal of my argument has included descriptive terms like “childish” and now “stupid” yet is really lite on facts.

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What was downgraded about the ppm support?

If you read Frank’s comments you will see where he says multiple functions like reverse are not supported via PPM because it doesn’t work, even though we’ve been doing it for years, and that you HAVE to use an NRF remote to do it…pffft.

The original vesc tool still supports regular current control that has reverse no?

It’s just the minimum erpm direction switch that is missing that makes the reverse feel much safer.

And I mean vedder seems to have a hard on for NRF style remotes, and while I do agree it’s the future, there’s simply no reason other than laziness to add the erpm direction switch, the pull request has been there forever.

So they haven’t exactly downgraded anything from the original firmware, they’ve just refused to add a very popular feature that exists on a different fork and that’s been asked for many times.


Per Frank, reverse is not supported on PPM. There are other fictions, many listed in this thread, that are not and no longer supported as well. Work day from hell, just don’t have time to look them up right now.

I’m looking at both vesc tool’s right now (ack’s and the standard).

I’ll take that over whatever frank is riled up and saying lol.

Can test them later but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work if it’s under the ppm tab.

You say specifically but use a general statement that includes all the changes that vesc tool had since trampa started supporting Ben. Also your “specific” reference for lack of ppm support is incorrect. I have explained it just below.

Umm what? severely downgraded? I still use my $20 ppm remote(with current control, so has reverse) from eBay from 2 years ago and the upgrades have done nothing to change that. Easy of use however, has so much improved. So again, what you are saying makes no sense.

Oh I never called you stupid. I called an idea stupid that you never really subscribed to. In fact I genuinely consider you pretty smart so, the inconsistent and false statements made above is a surprise for me.


I think it was clear that I was talking about the latest version. At least everyone else I’ve spoken with about this has understood that.

I am running on 2 hour sleep, had to take my kid to the airport at 1:30 a.m., which was 3 hours there and 3 hours back. When I get a little bit free time I will look up the specifics and send them to you.

I never said " You called me stupid ". I said that childish and stupid has been used in replies.

Honestly arguing about the semantics of this is a waste of time. The fact remains that Trampa is not delivering on user requested features and in some instances have removed features in favor of NRF. With Trampa’s track record I have to assume they did this so they could sell more NRF remotes.

Forcing people to adhere to an upgrade path that doesn’t include user requested features is a disservice, bad for the community and only motivated by profit. I will never support that type of business model and will do all I can to help others make the move to other vendors that support customer feature requests and the esk8 community.

There are three or four people around here that have made the assumption that my stance on Frank / Trampa is motivated by emotion or some illogical sense of dislike. It is absolutely not. My stance on Frank / Trampa is motivated by the many times they have committed actions that are bad for the community of DIY esk8’ers.

There is also the fact that I did not develop the app, the firmware or the process of using the aforementioned app. All I did was write a tutorial on how to use it after Frank said he had no interest in adding a feature that has been requested for literally years.

Lastly, let’s not forget that Ben is now an employee of Trampa. Frank, at a minimum, is the face of Trampa for the DIY community. I think it is a safe assumption that Frank is driving the path that the VESC is on which makes him solely responsible.

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Tell that our accountant, so he can start to sort out pensions and health insurance paperwork.
Honestly, get real. Benjamin is employed by a Swedish institute and can take care of himself and
the software he publishes.


Just to be clear, your saying that Benjamin Vedder is NOT a Trampa employee?


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