How rattle free is your board and how you achieved that?

Isn’t potting really final? Can you access your electronics after it has been potted? The ones I saw were like casted in some potting resin so once something goes wrong its a paperweight

Make sure the foam is closed-cell

I also no longer use key ways or grub screws in motor pullies, too much probability for failure, and instead use loctite 648 exclusively. Since switching I’ve never had an issue with motor pullies coming loose, whereas before I was constantly checking/tightening them in fear of streeting my face. The only way to remove the pullies is with a torch and pliers, so get them right where you want them on the first shot! Definitely adds confidence to my riding


Grub screws can come loose.
Motor pulley can then start sliding off motor shaft.
Seen it. Lived it.

Could also be longer motor shafts. This scenario only happened on maytechs which have much shorter shafts than tb motors. Regardless, loctite compound is far superior to grub screws.


Corning 737. Works well. Apply liberally.


This is nice stuff. Way better that electrical tape, which is like duct tape in that it seems good for everything but is actually pretty gross.

Tesa tape Is worth a look. So is gaffer tape.


Any neoprene tape that won’t make a mess after it needs to be removed? Something that won’t come off and desintegrate?

Tesa tape is nice to avoid rubbing but it’s not too thick to be used as cushion as neoprene

Foam double sided taped and glue :ok_hand:

I’m using this stuff they comes in 30 to 60 duro…Could be more.

Mounting everything to strong velcro onto the actual board, and reducing wire lengths such that there is no slop has completely silenced my board.

Perks are it makes everything very easy to access should i want to add or swap components, it looks very clean, and i dont have to worry about unplugging tons of shit when i remove my enclosure.

Cant take credit for that idea though, thanks @Psychotiller

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Line the bottom of your deck and the entire enclosure with cheap dollar store thin art foam. Even if things bounce around in there it wont make much noise.

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silcone gun+foam+zipties=secure and rattle free:+1:

Velcro the shit out of every component: battery, VESC, even remote receiver. Never heard any sound out of a board.

You added foam as well?

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Only rattle I have is on my MBS F5 Bindings. It’s honestly the only thing and really gets at me.
(I didnt have OCD but I may have it now.)


I usually just spray my boards with “Rattleseal.”


I had this too. Couldn’t figure out where in the hell it was coming from for ever.

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Mind sending a photo? Trying to achieve the same concept of having zero rattle, just not sure what foam to use or put them in between so the electronics won’t touch, same time padded

I use various pieces of scrap closed cell foam from packing materials in various packages I’ve received. Basically just trash. I try to avoid using open cell foams.