How many decks do you own?

Hmm… 2 electric, 2 just decks (old ones), 2 shitty completes on a rack, 3 good completes in the garage, 2 semi good completes hanging on wall stands, and finally my penny board with bindings that I’m not allowed to ride anymore :neutral_face: 12 in total

  1. 3 of which are on electrics.

I have over 75 decks at my house right now…

Not to mention all the scattered boards/works in progress littered everywhere.


That’s some investment you got there dude, nice.

If anybody is looking for a spare Lacroix deck, here they are. Lol

How many in your personal quiver?

Is that @Skunk’s eboardsolutions deck under the (David/Dylan?) warren mbs?

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No, that is one @mmaner gave me. Going to skin and sell it.


This is why I don’t like questions and don’t like lists. But then I have lists of almost all of my skate parts as a sobering reminder of my crippling addiction. So, my answer to this question… is this list. :rofl: :grimacing: Good lord, I’ve acquired a lot of decks. I actually wish I had more, newer ESk8 relevant decks with matching enclosure options. I’ve usually got around 5 functional Esk8s, and 5+ works in progress, but not much has changed lately due to lack of available time. Still I keep acquiring new parts though. :roll_eyes:

And I guess I’m technically at 36 decks, but only 31 actual, finished skate decks. And fuck Freebord. So 30. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


  1. *Pre-built: Atom B10 kicktail 29.5", 1kW, 11lbs.
  2. Penny Nickel Hosoi Red 27"
  3. *Build Kit Boards Spud 29"
  4. Kung Fu street Dbl. kicktail 30" (Lucas)
  5. Landyachtz Sloth Dbl kick 31.5" (mini EATSk8)
  6. *Earthwing Muirderer 33 kicktail 33"
  7. Push: Original DK Apex 34" - damaged nose
  8. Push: Bustin Sportster 36"
  9. *Landyachtz Charlie Horse 36"
  10. *Ehler’s Lonely Pirate kicktail 37"
  11. *Hummie CF/Bamboo Micro Drop Deck
  12. *Ehler’s blank drop thru 40"
  13. Push: Ehler’s blank drop 41"
  14. *Landyachtz Evo “Green Tree” 41"
  15. Kebbek “Jon Caften” deck 41.5" w/ 17° nose
  16. *Earthwing “Mystery” deck kicktail 42"
  17. Turbo Lazy Boy: Gravity kicktail 46"
  18. *MBS Comp 95 MTB 30°
  19. *MBS Core 95 MTB 30°
  20. *2x Terraboard Bat Tail MTB 20°
  21. MBS Atom 95 MTB Deck 20°
  22. MBS Sol 16 MTB deck 20°
  23. Hyline MTB deck 36" 20°
  24. Push: Element Street Dbl. kicktail deck
  25. Santa Cruz old school kicktail 30"
  26. Sector 9 “Vishnu” pintail/kicktail deck
  27. Carveboard Wave 40" Concave
  28. Carveboard Wave 40" Flat
  29. Freebord 83cm
  30. Flowboard 14 wheel Dbl. kicktail street deck
  31. 2x “Ripstik” caster wheel complete decks
  32. 3x @Hummie unfinished decks

Next we should ask about how you guys store/display/park all those boards.

Dude you have 4 hummies


I ran out of rack space… need to build another rack and I will get a photo…

There is already a rack thread tho somewhere…

Edit: Did anyone say; MODULAR ESK8 RACK?! Post your rack!

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Not exactly. The last 3 unfinished decks are rough cut blanks that I believe @Hummie pressed himself before going with his current manufactured carbon deck. He just offered them to me to get them out of his house when I saw him once, and I’m such a weak minded addict, I just couldn’t say no. :pensive:


Yes please I am curious to how you manage to keep all of those. Your house must look like a skate shop.

Are they maple + carbon?

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Ok. Look what you guys did. Had me running around the house.

Re count. 30

Old timey: 4
Old School: 2
Popsicle: 5
Kids penny: 1
Extra longboards: 6
Spud: 1
Electrificated: 11


Did i just spot… R spec wheels. I mean i am not sure i would call that a complete mate :wink:


You had some you forgot about :laughing:

Could you change your poll entry?

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Yes. Not when I first tried… But I just hit hide results and was able to change.


I have backups :rofl:


1 x eMTB
0.5 AT eboard
3 regular skateboards
6 Longboards (mostly decorative)
3 Oldschool/pennys
4-8? deco decks

  • pile of parts and a few broken decks

:grin::smile: Al, so far the only people who match/beat your collection are vendors.

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Sadly, no. Just wood, but thick and sturdy.

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Not true addicts :rofl: