The matching harness will be provided together.
ok,I will always be there.
Gh1.25 connector with buckle and lock.
Locked connections is so much better, I don’t know why it took so long until someone started using these.
JST connectors always gave me anxiety especially for the remote controls receiver connection.
The item doesnt seem to be visible on his taobao page but this here old link still works.
Also seemed like makerx will provide them in the future.
Hmm interesting I guess I do like them too. A shame to have to re-wire things tho
I was pretty surprised but the maytech v6 come with a fairly goodl looking USB-c
Hello. Care to elaborate about the mosfet gate drivers? An extensive spec list would be appreciated. Wish you fair sales and a strong customer service.
On a side note, your MOSFETs are 75v abs max rated, not 75v operational so it’d be best that you rate 16S and not just recommend 16S voltage.
yeh, we are a cooperative compan.
This will be available on our official website soon.
Thanks for sharing your product.
Do you have some footage showing lab stress tests ?
A lot of VESC derivatives pop up these days and we know how “powerful” they’re advertised and though how hard is it to find a reliable and beefy VESC in the real life.
All this without mentioning customer service.
Help us to gain back confidence into those V6 derivatives.
Looks like the ucc27211 gate driver from one of the board pics.
Yes, it is.
So does this come with adapters or not? Every esk8 thing I see has JST connectors. I’m not in the market for this ESC but I definitely wouldnt buy it if I had to adapt literally every single connection.
Good compromise.
If it’s a better connector that is more vibration-resistant, then I personally feel like that would outweigh the downfalls of needing to reterminate everything. But that’s an " if " – so hopefully it turns out to be.
[Link redacted out of security reasons]
All these escs popping up, we need that community dyno setup. Put em thru the same set of tests and report data. I’d do it in a heartbeat if I had a proper workshop.
Good idea.