hall is usually on the end hguh
It’s better placement than the MakerX ones tho, at least on this it’s almost as close to the motor as possible. It would be even better if the comm and hall were switched tho
if you put a \
before the *
then it will display correctly instead of changing to italics
so 72*72*21
looks like 727221 but 72\*72\*21
looks like 72*72*21
That’s no standard on vesc based escs.
Is there at all a standard on anything on vesc based escs?
What lmao
TB6 uses it.
Trampa uses it.
Flipsky uses it.
Maytech uses it.
Cheap FOCer 2 uses it.
And thats only the ones I’ve personally seen myself. Pretty sure its the go-to connector for sensors, programming port, uart/comm port and the can port uses a 2 or 4 pin too.
TB 4.12
MakerX (at least DV4 and GoFoc Retro 4.12)
That might be right, but there is no „standard“ that says that you need to use 2mm jst ph connectors on vesc based escs.
It’s just not right.
Ja ja…my 2mm jst plugs do not fit in my maker x mini foc escs. Maybe it’s just me thou
Yeah sure, its not in the official hardware documentation if you want to be that pedantic.
But if 90% of the market uses it I don’t see why you would manufacture a product that requires people to use adapters or re-cable their electronics (i.e. davega or metr.) instead of supporting what already exists.
Unless there is a very compelling reason or a community demand I think its stupid to deviate from the norm in this way.
By the way, this seems common from more esc’s I’ve seen that seem to come from an OEM, The MAKERX GO-FOC HI200/HI100 75V 200A has them too for some reason. There was talk about these all coming from the same factory.
Oh maybe he put different ones on there since they’re smaller. All that one on my other two tho
I’m all for whichever ones are more resistant to heavy vibrations.
Hm idk, say me why we still have different jst plug sizes on motor hall sensors wires?
It’s also not a standard or „norm“ how you call it to use 4mm bullet connectors on the phase wires, just because the trampa vescs use them.
I‘m not going to derail this thread further, my point is just that something isn’t directly a norm or standard just because many producer use that part.
There are sure reasons to use different plugs than the 2mm jst ones. One which directly comes in mind is the pcb layout and the available space on the pcb or the case of the esc.
There is a reason manufacturers like Flipsky or Maytech switched to the 2.0 format. Most ESC’s use it and the community “demands” it
This arguably dependent on how much current you want to run through the bullets. And bullets are a lot easier to replace with other bullets or mt30 / mt60 / mr60 compared to recrimping a sensor cable for instance.
Sure, but then at least include adapters for free or offer them in your shop. They aren’t that easy to source in single user quantities.
That and no one is going to want to take the time to replace the connector on the board, and like you said sourcing two or four of them is annoying. Besides, soldering them to a set of wires or switching a connector out is much more annoying than just plugging it in. Anyway…
Hopefully @yongitech provides adapters or the ability to easily acquire them
One reason I like JST 2.0 is because it’s easy for me to solder directly to the pins. With no connector at all. Then after applying silicone or epoxy they are vibration proof.
These look like you either use the correct connector or you desolder them from the PCB.
But I would like to know how vibration resistant the correct connector is, and what its name is.
Because @yongitech designed these as well.
He seems to be sending all the connectors needed with his escs. No need to worry.
Im still loving the mini foc pluses I got from him. They kick ass… This guy is the man!
Thank you for your warm discussion!
we like to keep it near a boil here on esk8.news
Later… today? this year?
how much testing have you done?