Hi guys! I'm kai. This thread is about my various builds.

Well hello there. Im new here. I got my first board in January, and here I am almost done with my first diy build. I’ve got all my parts and they fit like legos. But I’ve still gotta program everything and I’d rather wait til I have a proper computer. And get a remote. Im leaning puck. Anyways, here, look!! Some random pics from throughout my build!! Design has remained rather fluid, but the final product will be an offroad short board.



Best choice on the market right now, in my opinion.


:flushed: i gotta sub and see how this perform

also, i hope u loctited the tbdd axle as some people seems to have loose axle while riding, we don’t want another accident happening


its not locked yet, as I had to change out the bullets and took the motors off for easier work. Also I have a whole nother set of tbdd on the way for 4wd, gotta grab another xenith when they restock. Fun fact, this deck was made in the early 70s and never used til I grabbed it up new old stock and painted it. Its also the first time I’ve spray painted anything. And my first time wiring anything. Etc.


What is that griptape you used?

Dope grip. Im actually not a fan. Im making my own next build, and depending on how that goes I might scale it up and start selling some. But its the best easily available option right now. Its grippy enough to cut you unless you paint it, and the foam is far from poron though :c


So, noob question. First of all, im like, 90% sure this is all wired correctly(will edit in my wiring diagram in a bit) Now, id like to get to bench testing already. Is it worthwhile/possible to set it up from my phone, and if so can anyone direct me to a guide on how to do that? Or should I wait and buy a laptop?

Good luck on the build!


Totally possible to set up on your phone. You can either use the VESC Tool app (on Android) if you want the lastest firmware (which comes with its own set of problems, as always) or you can use the Xenith app if you dont mind an older but stable firmware.

The Trampa YouTube channel has tutorials for the VESC Tool app, and the BuildKitBoards team made a tutorial for their app as well.

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Lmao ive got the vesc app im just stupid and can’t figure out how to connect to my xenith to set it up xD

HEAR ME OUT. So like a Lacroix. But tiny. A… LaToy? Lilcroix? Alright alright ill see myself out.


You gotta switch that potato out for a better camera; that board setup looks radical! :open_mouth:


At least half of what you see is placeholder parts and the potate was intentional lmao

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this is my last rebuild for tonight but its getting closer. The battery actually fits now! Lmfao


Lol :joy: maybe get some protection for that unity?
If you have a job, I recommend buying an @ApexBoards ESC enclosure.

It’s the only one that makes me feel safe in the rain :umbrella:


Lol im still waiting on my remote just trying different setups out still

Needed to make a little more battery room lol. Ok now it’s time to really start thinking enclosure.


Hello and welcome

I would place those on the top, I think you put them upside down
This would protect your deck fom screws sinking into


I did it on purpose, but I plan on using washers(“those cool x things”) or some such on top before riding. I ordered them but they were delivered somewhere wrong T.T having the flat pieces on the bottom bought me the extra space I needed to fit the battery on the bottom LOL

What mounts are those? The black anodized baseplate thingies?