Yes, these are single cell run times.
I mention that the run times and energy in each cell are not modeled after any existing cells as the actual timing wasn’t important (as mentioned), only the interactions of the cells.
You’re right, the actual numbers would be different than what I used. I wanted to avoid “real world” numbers for my first post though since, in my experience, it leads to a lot of debate about what numbers to actually use versus concentrating on just the theory the sims were demonstrating.
I am happy to do other sims though.
The actual amount of power doesn’t really matter except to help hide, or expose, differences in the per-cell current sharing. These simulations were set up only to demonstrate that current-sharing differences exist and should be considered.
But for many setups (most?) these sims seem to indicate that mixing decent, but different, cells isn’t a big issue.
I agree, “typical” use could very well result in much smaller cell-to-cell current sharing differences (depending on how badly the cells were mixed).
I’m completely open to suggestions that the community could agree on.
This would require creating more accurate battery models though and I do not know when I will have the time to do that. It could take a lot of time.
Essentially, if I understand what you are saying, you feel that each acceleration and cruising segment of the ride would roughly emulate what we see in the entire discharge for the simulations I did? Or a good portion of it?
You could definitely be right!
Get some input on what folks here feel is a “typical” ride (power draw variations, timing, pack size, voltage cutoffs, etc.) and maybe a ride that is more extreme too (for comparison).
Pick two different cells to model too. Maybe two sets of cells, one realistic and another set of cells that is a worst case setup? I’m happy to run the new sims when I can finish the battery models.
I’m not sure about modeling regen current right now so assume that can’t be part of it. It’s possible to do but I just can’t spend hundreds of hours on this.
Actually, that’s a lie. I’m happy to spend weeks on it but someone is going to have to pay my bills since I would be giving my day job work to someone else for that time.