Help!!! My direct drive motor is making crunching sound!!

It does so since enertion is dead where is it? Found it on gethub wow fixed the problem no noise.

If the noise disappears when using this firmware, then you’ll know that it should just be the same thing that happens with mine (also running a unity btw)

Focbox_tool is the windows version
Focbox_UI is the Windows version of the Android app (18.4 MB) (18.4 MB)

ah guess you were quicker than me trying to upload the firmware.

Thanks man fixed the problem. Runs smooth the by hand motor detection seems more accurate.

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Then it’s the same thing as i have. Nothing to worry about, i would still recommend you flash the Vesc tool firmware. I think i’m running 5.02.

The noise is just a thing from the newer firmwares, probably something to do with various kinds of duty limits or whatever. Again, i’m riding with it and it doesn’t happen when i’m actually on the board, speeding at full-ish throttle.

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I think I’m going to stick with the original unity firmware its much nicer in the layout no can-bus connection issues. Also I’m actually getting better torque and less heat.

the unity config app should still be on playstore




eh, im always late anyway :joy:

glad the issue is fixed


I have the same crackling issue on my DDs with a Ubox V1 running fw5.2 on the bench. For me, it went away it by setting Duty Cycle Current Limit Start to a value greater than or equal to Maximum Duty Cycle on the side of the ESC connected to the remote receiver.

I haven’t observed any adverse effects with this setup while riding. However, when I tried fw5.3, I left Duty Cycle Current Limit Start lower than Maximum Duty Cycle and observed the crackling while riding. I promptly downgraded firmware after that.

wait until u hit 95%ish max duty cycle, then u will become superman


Just tested some things on the bench.

In PPM mode, I can’t make the crackling go away at all, and 95% Duty Cycle Current Limit Start locks up the motor with the receiver at full throttle. This would definitely make me superman.

In UART mode, crackling remains until 95% at which point everything works smoothly. This is the setup I run and I’ve never had any issues at top speed, which I hit frequently.

I don’t recommend anyone use these settings because of the high Duty Cycle Current Limit Start, but they work for me to get rid of the crackle and haven’t given me any issues while riding. I never pin the throttle at top speed, so maybe I’ve just gotten lucky this far because of that.

Edit: To be clear, this is only changing settings on the side with the receiver. The side opposite the receiver is at 85% Duty Cycle Current Limit Start and 95% Maximum Duty Cycle at all times

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I think I have been able to trigger this crackling at top speed for most firmware versions on some different HW (Not on Unity)

Usually I have tuned this away with various settings on duty cycle limit and that duty cycle current limit start. Like @MacKeeper28 described.

If I remember at that time, the motors ran smooth at topspeed when using keyboard, but not when using remote. :man_shrugging:



@Deodand firmwares always have been more hassle free in my experience. Unity, stormcore, never had any of the weird issues I had other with other vescs

Oh these issues were on the Unity running 5.3 upgraded to 23.46 no issues.

Yeah your probably running a 12s setup I was running 8s so I tend to pin the throttle allot more often. Which is why I decided to stick with the original unity firmware 23.46 no issues while riding or on the bench. I do not need my direct drive locking up while I’m accelerating.

Yeah it only happens with the remote its probably the broken can bus communication on the newer firmware’s. I use ppm so older firmware’s work better for me.

Tried it didn’t help much. 23.46 solved the problem.

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I have taken a couple low-speed test rides but I haven’t gotten anywhere close to top speed yet, which is where it seems like the issue would occur.

I’ll report back with the results when i have my enclosure situation sorted. :sweat_smile:

Edit for typos.

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