I’m fighting a problem breaking, here’s the down low; I can break slowly, but if I need to brake aggressively I get what I think is cogging. Originally I thought it was belt slipping so I added a tensioner pulley. Also when I’m almost stopped the brakes let go and I free roll at slow speed.
Motor max 60a
Motor min -60a
Battery max 30a
Battery min -30a
Battery is 10s1p qb26800, I don’t care about prolonging the battery life, I care about prolonging my life.
My advice is make it as tight as reasonably/easily possible with just your fingers, without using tools to pry on it, and when you pinch the belt around the motor pulley with your fingers it should squeeze about 5mm or so.
There are also tensioning methods that involve plucking the belt with a hex key and using a guitar tuner to tune the belt pitch, but I don’t recommend that. If you do that, maybe 150Hz.
And all my advice is for no idler pulley. I don’t use them anymore… though it does look like you’ve installed it on the correct side. Be 100% sure the idler pulley can’t wiggle.
Hold the motor can and try to force the wheel to spin the same direction it’d be spinning during braking.