Help Battery warms up! #if you DIY do it properlY

Intersting a fire hazard insurance for 2 years is cheaper than a new battery🙈


hehehe cool, ich auch lols

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no, bc water resistance is not advertized on any chinese board, so if water gets in, its your fault.

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That was meant because everyone is saying it’s not built well. I know the water Is my fault

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I was just against bad vibes against any prebuild boards.
They are not top of the line but they cost almost nothing compared to a powerful diy.
So, if you get your hands on a new battery pack, use neutral silicone for getting more water resistance.

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I actually used Klebedichtmasse, which u use for cars on oil pans etc

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I just installed the new charging port pretty much on the go and didn’t seal it properly

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For anyone that’s curios

The weird shut downs, voltage drops came from the oxidized xt 60 plug, made some cracking noises when powered if you listened closely, cut it of and soldered it together mow it works like a dream

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reading this thread:
hehe a noob probably has a loose charge port or something not connected right, lets see if we helped him get it working


like actually. go recycle that bomb right now before it burns your house down…


Hahahaha true but the battery really looks fucked up😂
Edit I get it…
Well that escalated quickly


How and why are you still operating with this battery grrrrrrr

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I got bigger wheels a couple days ago and want to drive with higher tops😅

Roast me if you want but you wouldn’t let your board sit if you got new wheels, youve waited on for over a month, as long as the board drives.


Hell yes i would let it sit, even if i have to wait another 2 months. I value my life, pets and home over a set of wheels!

Highly highly irresponsible what you are doing.


I’ve got enough brand new parts to build another board, I still won’t ride a bomb. Ur life is urs, but don’t try to make the community look bad when shit goes south.

Im sure many of us have said enough


Oh no it’s not in the house it’s in the back of the yard in some sort of concrete box with metal door. Immost dangerous thing is if it starts burning while riding


And that’s where the media attention almost always comes in. That’s especially important for you as you’re in GERMANY

Burning/Exploding tech putting pedestrians in danger.

Look at hoverboards. Look what happened.

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Ah fuck it you hit the buttons single battery it is…

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Dude! I thought u were gonna bin that damn thing! What the hell r u doing riding it around? Every member who saw that battery told u it was a major fire hazard.

I don’t mean to pile on homie but u gotta be smart about something like that. Liion fires are serious shit. Damn near impossible to put out. You could seriously hurt someone if that thing goes up around others not to mention yourself. BIN IT.


It’s out of the board :sob: