Heed the warnings, don't trust Torqueboards

People throw these terms around so lightly

Not a “scammer” or “Con man”


He ships stuff that is designed… Questionably.

He shipped my DDs as pre builts and as youd expect, no threadlocker etc… But wait there is more… Only after i installed them did I realise there was only 2 screws on one side holding the adapter to the DD. That’s dangerous in itself.

We know he fudges reviews on his site etc etc etc. There is so many things. Spaghetti hangers and delaminating wheels… Need I go on?


Still not a con man

Bad designer maybe, doesn’t take feedback well yeah

No longer trusted, yeah, unfortunately.


he doesn’t design. He calls the scooter factory and sends napkin drawings. And he does it as fast as he sees somebody’s idea on the forum.


Lol good point. Tbh do we even know who does the design work? Is it a chinese factory?

Who knows



There are some reputable forum members who have worked with him on some things to try and clear up some issues. I’m not going to mention names.

But he repeatedly refused to iterate with me or allow me to build larger runs with some of his parts. I think he knew how it would turn out, and didn’t want me to be the one it turned out on. I would destroy his production parts doing things i would do with maytech, haggy, 3dS, unik, even enertion parts all day long.


I was banging this drum hard for many years, starting on the builders forum. The customer service was none existant for since forever, I had personal exeriance with this and the posts are still on the builders.

I also tried to warn the forum before the 110mm wheels went into production that they would delaminate and I was shut down. I had been in heavy discussions with loaded boards who told me all about the testing they had done on their core and they were not confident in pushing beyond 85mm.

Check this out, Feb 2019

This is great

Guess we did find out, eh?



I have seen dexter design most of the stuff, but the testing and QC post production was lacking quite a bit.

Really hard to work bulk ordering from china on a budget.


As in…you sat and stared at him awkwardly while he worked on the computer?

Can’t blame him then…I couldn’t get anything done either with someone eyeballing me.

If you folks could please rate my joke, I’d appreciate it. I personally give it a 2/5. Not my best work.


I’d go for more like a 4/10, has potential but the fact I laughed at it is probably a bad sign


I was on a computer and awkward.

I was staring at his work.

Not saying I saw it done

<3 rating



On a serious note, I stayed away from TB since I started reading here, for the most part. I got a charger and the TB110 blues over a year ago, but never used them for anything other than to prop up work on my bench.

I remember they used the same OEM for motors as Flipsky used to, and generally the reported failures were of about the same rate.

I will say, that the response to the issues that I’ve seen on a public level here, have put me off from considering their stuff.


motors are all old news. The new flipsky BH is the standard. Unclear if TB will stock them soon or if ever.

only thing I think is maybe cool is if you have some tb 6355 they have more holes for cooling than the FS BH version. So if you can deal with debris and water in there then you get better thermals. I am sure it is only very slightly worse on the FS BH.

The advantage of TB over Amazon or whatever aliexpress vender is you could order and get items in a week, if they were defective then you could get a replacement in a much faster time period. For those who don’t want to build over 3-4 month periods.


Evidently the old news is relevant, from reading this thread.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


I mean the choice of where to buy them has become abundantly clearly not TB ATM.

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This fucking sucks. I liked that guy. Is torque boards really shitting the bed this bad?

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your jokes are kind of a big deal.


From what I’ve noticed, working with China is a shiton of back and forth getting the words across the language barriers and making sure every single detail is in the design. But if you don’t do QC and get design flaws fixed as they appear during testing, you are no better