Has anyone ever done or considered implementing some kind of heatsink to a prototipo build? seems like blasphemy to cut a huge hole in that rare carbon fiber enclosure.
With the stock prototipo dual focbox 1.7s. on an aluminum plate inside the enclosure it’s fairly easy to heat up the ESCs to 80c. (at least for me on a sample of two different stock prototipos )
and as I’m planning a 12s5p I’ll be going withtout that internal aluminum plate but also using focbox unity which should do better.
but thermal throttling of the ESC was one of my biggest drawbacks of the stock setup. wondering if others have done anything to handle that situation.
tagging known to me prototipo builders please feel free to tag some others.
On my proto I have dual FocBox’s mounted to a 3/8 piece of aluminum stock on a 10s6p siliconed to the enclosure. Ive never had thermal throttling with it.
Hmm. any idea how thick the factory provided aluminum plate is? (i’ll have to open it up and measure it) and assuming yours is more how much volume of aluminum might make a real world difference?
Why am I having these troubles.
Is it because i’m in SoCal and it’s hot all the time? because I’m 220lbs? do I ride harder than others? …
The piece I am using is 6x4x3/8. I also used thermal tape between the FocBox’s and the aluminum plate.
As far as heat is concerned, Ive had dual FoxBox’s overheat on Alabama asphalt a lot, but never my proto. You don’t weigh much more than me in gear. I’m wondering what your settings are?
The idea would be between the aluminum plate and the focboxes right? (as oposed to aluminum plate and the CF or something… not likely but trying to be clear. )
I believe Alex told me once there’s no thermal paste or pad between the focboxes and the aluminum so I did wonder if that might help.
I dont see anything wrong. I think you have a different problem and Im not sure what it is but its should be hard as hell to reach 80c on the bench without any aluminum mass, with it should not.