Hardwired remotes?

Since we ride on top of our skateboards instead of operating them from a safe distance, wouldn’t it just be better to use a hardwired remote? You don’t have to worry about pairing, the battery level, interference and on and on. Honestly, I think it’s kind of strange that we choose to use wireless controllers for this application.


I think the best RF tech we have in esk8 is more reliable than a physical connection.

Wires break/fatigue

Electromagnetic fields are forever !*


If you run the wires with a braided cable through a conduit you could overcome those problems. With as many complaints as I hear about interference issues and cutouts, I’m not convinced of your argument that wireless is the best.


Electromagnetic fields stop when current is discontinued. Right?

If the issue isn’t reliability then there must be some other reason nobody is using or even trying wired remotes.

I was making a joke and still expected this reaction hence the asterisk and exclamation point

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Tech addiction could be a reason that people have gone in the direction of wireless over hardwired.

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That’s a plausible hypothesis anyhow.

“Tech addiction” feels more like the common negative gut reaction to things people don’t understand. Simple ≠ true.

Simple ideas and concepts are always more convincing than complex ones, to humans.

Update: definitely rude AF came off way too personal. Was more of a general attack on people as a whole not you specifically. I’m sorry.

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My first electric board :joy:

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That’s not a gut-reaction, and I’m not an ignoramous when it comes these matters as you seem to be implying.
I’ve made a practical observation and to this point you have failed to posit a strong counter-argument. Instead you’ve decided to be demeaning. Please find another thread or be a productive member of the conversation.

Electromagnetic signals are what is transferring the data, whether it be through the air or through a conductor.

A conductor like a wire is more prone to failure than air.

My other point is that the entire market and the engineers behind it had left wired remotes behind.

To claim they did so out of “technology addiction” is dismissive and rude to their efforts and to the will of the market.

It came off that way to me at least, hence my response to when you said “technology addiction” which came off as rude to me as well.

So I’m sorry that your technology addiction comment set me off and made my replies hostile. I definitely overdid my response and didn’t clarify that I was replying to that way of thinking more than to you personally. I have no idea how smart you are. I shoulda assumed that you were playing devil’s advocate.


I apologize if I offended you Jack, but still, nothing above is an exceptionally good argument for your position and I’m not convinced that you have good intentions here. If that’s true, please move along.

For others, to expand on my tech addiction hypothesis, people do stuff because it’s cool rather than practical all the time. The wireless remote idea definitely seems cool to me, but it may not be the most practical.

My points above summarize as:

If it was the better idea we’d all be doing it.

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That is not a good argument at all. Arguments have premises and conclusions.


The market will use the most practical solution to problems.


Because the market uses RF, the most practical solution is RF.

There are better ideas that folks don’t do all of the time.

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Okay. Do it then.

Your argument isn’t laid out properly but if it were, it would be deductive. In a deductive argument, the conclusion is true only if the premises are all true. There are premises in your argument that may not be true. Actually both and until you can prove otherwise your conclusion may still be false.

Now I realize that I still need to prove the premises of my argument and I’m hoping for some productive conversation around it. Honestly, I still don’t think that’s your intent. So please leave.

I have to mention that entire industries do things because they’re profitable not necessarily because they are practical. That severely weakens one of your premises.