GPS tracking discussion and methods

I don’t want to hijack this thread from @BuildKitBoards about their product and nobody made one yet so here it is.


Is this useful?

Someone smart please tell me.

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Tracking , def interested in this. Wonder if this will work with the iLogger. Thoughts ? @WavRX

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I have one of the BKB units but I have zero room in either enclosure for it :v


@Jc06505n iLogger currently supports most NMEA sentences based GPS modules, for example: Neo 6m ublox, which is the GPS module I’m performing my tests on. iLogger has a serial port dedicated to GPS modules, where you can hook a TX/RX pins for GPS data. The LR1110 module shown above seems like an all-in-one package, I believe it needs a breakout board to be useful, with a serial output to spit out the GPS data.


I’ll buy it off you if you arent using it

I don’t particularly need it because i’ll just track the whoever steals my board through scent, but I have a firm suspicion my cats are taking them out on rides when I’m at work

Cheers from maxmayer’s post!


I think this might be a good read on possible GPS we can use with Metr Pro CAN and iLogger coming out:

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a bit more expensive but thoughts? :

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oh drone gps tech is prob perfect for our application

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sure, I just have to find it and ill PM you :+1:

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Anyone have a good GPS tracker?

I don’t want one of those tile things. They only update location when in range of your device. I want something that will work from across the word basically.

I saw something from BKB but it was sold out. Any alternatives?

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@xsynatic just bought something. I could only really tell it was a sort of GPS tracker from the gif he posted along with it lol


This is what I use, although he appears to be out of stock. You can message him here at @BuildKitBoards.


burh :innocent:


plus the word GPS on it :smiley:

Its a Beitian 220T GPS module mainly used in drones.

I don’t know if/how they would work standalone with the Vesc. I use mine with the Metr CAN for a cool feature.

If it will be available again the BKB module is solid as far as i have seen reviews


How would you use this to find a board, if it doesn’t have a cellular connection?


It is not a tracker per se, its a gps module for telemetry logging. (Replaces your phone as GPS source)


I missed this lol ur funny :stuck_out_tongue:

wouldn’t this mean your phone would need to be in range to track?

Nope. It logs everything on the telemtry device itself. No phone needed if you dont want to.