Go-FOC D100 / D75 / D60

Could someone help me understand what it is that phase filters do and what are the downsides of not having it?

phase filters are a physical hardware device that’s enabled by default in vesc fw 5.3 . these escs dont have the hardware so you HAVE TO disable it

its under motor cfg → FOC → filters


Anyone selling any of these three in good condition?


Not yet but according to evan I just need to change firmware, I will when I get the chance, lots going on over here

I purchased it so I don’t plan on rushing to provide a review of it, or opinions.


I have one of the original D75 and have got it up and running. I have an unusual problem in where one side of the esc won’t retain the sensor parameters.
I do detection, get success and see the readings. Write them to the esc, but then they’re immediately forgotten. When I go to read them they’ve all reverted to 255. Anyone had this problem or something similar?

I’ve restored default motor parameters and re done detection, now the settings “stick”. So it’s all settup and ready to run!


did you run it with 18s ?

the original d75 cannot do 18s

sorry ,18s lipo yes it can be , my question was not clear , maybe is the v2 version

makerx said this before, the original d75 has 75v fets. 18s is only possible on the new d75 which has 85v fets

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is it worth it to run 18s lipo i am not convinced but i want more range , the power was already enough
also i don’t see any video’s with 18s-20s

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I’d get the d100 to run 18s :person_shrugging:
not worth the risk to me at least.


honestly until they update the webpage to reflect that, i wouldn’t even risk it above 16s

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the d75 is no more available on the website its strange

its out of stock yeah
save yourself the headache and get a d100

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at 18s it should draw less amp ? btw i will not go more 80A battery current

sorry to ask a newbie question , do i need to buy a external bluetooth module ? i don’t see any information on is website

if u want to figure it wirelessly, then yes

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If you aren’t going over 80 batt amps just get the d100


It’s on a 12s settup currently.

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Are you using the 5.3 fw that came on the esc?

I am having extremely inconsistent detection results on this d100 i am playing with, i cannot get it to detect the sensors properly no matter what I try :expressionless: