I have a makerselect v2 and the glass bed is a must for that since the factory table is hella wavy. Unless your running more than 9 point mesh bed leveling - you really should just run glass, or a mirror.
I’d say arguably yes. The mat that comes with it is magnetic, flexible, and has a build tac like surface on it. It’s great for removing prints while hot but can be an issue if your bed is slightly warped at all because it’s thin and flexible.
Glass plate has a similar build tac like coating on it and gives zero fucks about how warped the bed is. Gotta let things cool down before popping them off though.
Mine is more a RepRap now than a factory makerselect.
Glass Bed, Swiss Hotend, Three point (instead of 4) leveling [physical], RAMPS 1.4, Auxiliary Heated Bed Controller, Marlin 1.1.X Firmware.
Tried to run a prox sensor for mesh leveling, but ended up going with a bltouch instead - works much more effectively for me. So running auto-mesh leveling 9 point.
The only thing I havent done that i should is upgrade the Z Axis, and add the stiffeners.