Generic_vanguard.jpg | 2x 6354 | Flipsky 4.20 Dual | Loaded Vanguard

You can also use AS150 for antispark connector

The space in the ESC enclosure was much tighter than I anticipated. But here is a picture of how I roughly was going to lay out the electronics.

My question though is how much you can bend the wires without them taking damage? I for example was going to bend the Metr Pro module 180 degrees and then push it down. So sandwiching it I guess you would say

I have also added a rubber gasket around the battery and ESC enclosure. I used one which has this trace inside it, that I put over the edges of the enclosures.

EDIT: Also before anyone points it out, I will ofcourse insulate the motor wire connectors. I will not leave them nude like that :smiley:

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Started working on the battery. Still waiting on some replacement cells from nkon though as several I received had dents on them.

I will first make P-groups like this, using 0.15mm nickel

I will then make the series connection with nickel as well.

I have insulation between some p-groups, but I ran out of fucking fishpaper… so I will not be able to insulate all the groups.

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Order more fish paper, save yourself some peace of mind

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I found an unsused sheet that I had laying around. So all well :smiley: Will update the thread with pics of the battery once it is done.

Look what showed up in the mail today!

This is NOT the unity I ordered from Enertion in this post:

But one I found for sale in my country.

Also ordered 10meters of fish paper that came as well, which will come in handy for future battery builds. As the one I have now is not as good as can be, so I will make another one in the future that will have 30Q cells instead of 25R ones.


Updates? :slight_smile:

Updates on this build:

The whole thing was postponed because of me falling into a depression when my mother passed away as I was in the middle of the build. But I am now determined to complete it. I will be scrapping the battery and hand over the rest of the work to a battery maker on the forum. Here is a picture of my progress on it.

I decided to go with a 10s4p configuration instead, to get more power and range. Still with 25R cells though.

I also got hold of a Unity, which I will be using instead of the flipsky vesc. The first post has been edited with these differences.


Looking forward to hearing that it’s finished and the joys of riding it! From one motherless SOB to another, you got this brotha! Stay strong! :fist: