FW 5.3 is out! Vesc Tool 3.01

VSS can determine the rotor position at at 0RPM. From there it can generate high torque and keep track of the slow spinning rotor. And there is no noise.
HFI is also very good, but not as good as VSS + you have the noise.

However, the new Tool has so much cool stuff and detects motors so much more reliable. VSS is just on of many things that are improved. Jeffrey worked a lot on the UI for example, then we have motor/ system efficiency plotting, scripting, better wizards and all the stuff you can find in the change log.


I’m posting here because 3.01 is the only difference I can think of to cause this.

So last night I was poking around the new VT and looking at some RT data and graphs from my board. Had my DV6+ on 5.2 connected through TCP using a metr.unity to the full APK on a Chromebook in limited mode.

The only things I changed were the VESC numbers (86 to 0 and 65 to 1).

Rushing out the door to work this morning and I discover I lost all ability to brake, I only feel a slight braking stutter at maximum brake. Throttle behaves perfectly normally.

Tried calibrating PPM and that didn’t change anything.

No HW changes and no other SW changes so I can only assume this is something to do with using 5.2 in 3.01

EDIT: so I was at work, stuck with a board that had no brakes and nothing to use VESCtool on as the board is sealed with metr inside and all I had was my phone. I managed to just poke around in the expert part of metr enough to get my brakes working again by setting up the motors with manual values and re-detecting HALL sensors.

thank you community for being the reason I even knew how to do all that.


@rpasichnyk any plans to compile it for OSX?

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Thanks for the explanation, I’ve looked for about 20 mins and can’t find it looks like I’ll live with the new version.

Did they fix the issue where it’s impossible to find the custom file on your phone? I remember downloading custom files and put in them in my download folder and then when I go to the download folder from the vesc tool app it won’t appear.

If you want a simple way, go download the VESC 3.00 tool from the precompiled VESC tool archive. It will load 5.2 for you.

If you want to use android and manually load 5.2, then go back in history on the github and you can see it. Open the folder with the same name as your current firmware’s hardware name. Here is the 5.2 github link


It is generally not recommended to change settings using a vesc tool version not meant for that firmware. It might be fine, but it might not be. I suggest you go back to vesc tool 3.00 and re-setup your board. You can then save a backup of the settings as an xml file you can later apply if you are messing around.


Thank you, I didn’t look in build all. Good looking out!

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Not fixed nothing shows up :thinking:

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You know what’s weird? It worked fine in the beta versions, but doesn’t seem to work in the final release. You can uninstall and try to load this one (latest 2022-01-12 beta apk):

vesc_tool_test_android.apk (39.1 MB)

Then load the 5.2 from the github link above

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With 3.01 you should do a full new detection and re-configure your board. It doesn’t take long!


One thing that will not work is Logging BTW. The new Android API does not allow to write into the file system easily. It still works if you install from the APK file that can be downloaded via VESC-project.com.
The Play Store version needs to stick to the new rules )-:
Logging will be done via a cloud in near future. This is the next thing to come.


@rpasichnyk thank you!
OSX version :


Welp, time to translate the app from scratch again. Really hope vedder can wrap all the words in tr()…

Also my Davega OS doesn’t work, gotta work on that as well.

Love the new UI great work!


Also he has build for windows which has working BT connection


Yes, here are builds for macOS and Windows: Release v3.0.1 FW5.3 · rpasichnyk/vesc_tool · GitHub Both can be used with bluetooth (for M1 macs bluetooth does not work unfortunately, I don’t know the reason, must be something in Qt internals).


Why can’t you write to storage like any other app?

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I have also been able to reliably reproduce this fault on the newer 5.3 betas, even with some very conservative ESC settings on the 100d.

Also seen this fault and reported it. It’s odd because that half still responds and does not show any faults, but still does not work.


I reverted back to 5.2 and all issues disappeared. I played with about setting tweaking it with no luck on 5.3.

It never showed faults on mine either when one of the two motors just completely stopped.


Jeez, all of this beta testing and we still have stuff like this. Needs more beta testing. I’ll be running 5.3 for my commutes because I don’t value my safety