Fuse Welder Prototype

@ShutterShock ya just need a bigger case :joy: problem solved


In any case this simplified fuse installation system is pretty fun. But I have a hard time seeing it applied here. We like to use brand new cells and have bms’s to assure good function of our packs

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I know very little about electric skateboards, but you could easily build a low profile busbar. Guys in the powerwall groups even flatten copper pipes and bolt them together with crimped lugs for higher loads


We have access to thinner materials than that :joy:


Well a skateboard probably isn’t pulling 1000A+ either! :grinning:


you should check out the work that BioBoards is doing for their next gen “safest battery ever in esk8”

sorry idk where the rest of the info is but they posted more pics on their instagram I know.

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That is one gorgeous render! I’ll check it out. I have a feeling that registering here is going to send me down the rabbit hole…


haha yes yes yes.

one of us. You got a board yet? get ready to ride.


The only time I was ever on a skateboard was when I was ~13 at the height of “frosted tips” and “punk rock”. There were bruises. Though adding batteries does make it more appealing!


we all have tons of parts we aren’t using.

You could make a crappy board (with a really nice battery) for much less than you might think.

Def interested, could you make one for kweld with existing electrodes?

I don’t own a Kweld yet, but maybe. The fuse welder design is too different to try to incorporate the stock Kweld electrodes into, plus they are enormous. I have an idea in my head for a “standard” two electrode design using springs on each side as well. In theory it would distribute the pressure between the electrodes, making it easier for newbies to weld while getting the feel for how much pressure to use.


Maybe you could make your design so that it just bolts straight onto the default bolts. That way, if the user wanted to switch, they could have their default electrodes and then your tool.

You’d have to see how the kWeld works though because there is a calibration sequence and the cable lengths are very important


My plan for the Kweld is a standalone pen with active cooling and swap able tips. Sizing the leads for the default bolts would be easy enough, but I’ll also have to beef up the unit to handle the power the Kweld can deliver. The spot welder I’m building this for is a cordless, handheld device called the Nano. It’s great you can throw it in a backpack or a drawer, but it doesn’t compare to the output of a desktop welder.


Sounds pretty neat - the kWeld isn’t actually that big either but yes, we are talking 1k amps haha


Preeety cool, I toyed with this in a manual fashion but it was too tricky to get right using silver coated copper wire 0.5mm

Seems like you designed the tool for the job, nice one!

I found cell level fusing with solder a right pain in the hole time-wise, would certainly be interested

Have Kweld as do most of the battery people who like to get the nice tools


Watching this thread!


This is GREAT! Wellcome!


[quote=“magharees, post:29, topic:35637”]
Preeety cool, I toyed with this in a manual fashion but it was too tricky to get right using silver coated copper wire 0.5mm
[/quote] The flat electrode really helps with that, as well as the pressure from the spring. I’ve done 34awg all the way up to 26awg with my prototypes. Trying to solder cell level fusing was what got me started on the project!

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. Here’s the latest prototype with active cooling, a stronger spring, and a few changes to make it easier to assemble. So far it’s passed all my tests, and I’ll be posting a video of it in action on my Youtube channel soon.

Forgive the messy 3D print, I was in a hurry


That makes sense cheers!