whoever designed that can get fired


Sorry, couldn’t help it. It’s an interesting board ngl. But dang, wasted opportunities.


It needs its own thread it does not have one so people just keep talking about it here. I was about to make one for ya.

Ecomobl boards general

Done^^^ go wild

should we make one to talk about mainly Bajaboard also? seems like baja/propel/cycle are the major players.

I wanna ride one of these just to see what the suspension feels like

I think this has one already right?

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I sure like the look of it. Want i want is all the trucks. All of them. And all the bushings. So I can try every possible combination. Current build is going tbdd in the back… highly debating but leaning 3 link in the front. Airs are a close runner up.

My actual aim outside experimentation though is the floatiest possible front end with super stable back end. Back can drift a tiny bit to accommodate. Maybe super tight airs, in theory. I like their 3 dimensional movement plane thing. Front end I want the floatiness I imagine airs have with the somewhat hydraulic snap I imagine 3 links have. It’s complicated. Im also interested in the possibilities of motor assisted turns… your system looks really fun to play with hence my interest in it.


posting here for discussion of the drivetrain mechanics only.
general Bajaboard thread below.

The reason each board gets it’s own thread is so no single board can dominate this thread very much, only the suspension drivetrain aspect we will focus on.

I hope to inspire others and myself in their aim to make a board like this yourself.

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I strive to have a G4X one day… the guys at AVS let me try one and it was a blast, the S2? Not so much

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was it an atrax s2? I hope not because the new s2 seems like an improvement over the g4x for ride comfort.

I think it was a reg S2. It wasn’t ride comfort it was how it is riding. The S2 feels underpowered for its size and just all around didn’t feel as refined. The G4x matches performance for size and feels really nice underfoot

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I have never seen one with dual VESC 6 and that makes me sad. dangit I thought this was the bajaboards thread you tricked me!!

Honestly I really want to see it VESC swapped then set to max amps so I can see what part of the drive system breaks first. With only 8 or 9 in tires the load is reduced slightly. Not sure I ever saw one with 6in tires…

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I think the main issue is:
The worst weight is unsprung weight.
With esk8s we use hub motors or attach the motors directly via a drive, meaning the unsprung weight is going to be quite high.

That is while I at first thought that baja boards are stupid not to use hub motors, I now realize that their setup is actually REALLY smart.


If only it were more mechanically simple


Yeah all the small parts work together to create the maintenance nightmare that is Baja’s (from what I’ve heard)

I guess if you overdesign enough none of them should break, but there will always be that one person that figures out how to break it

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3 wheelers allowed, 2 wheelers with no steering


One of the people near my parents house owns one of these things, I thought it looked really cool

It was wider though



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For the discussion of the mechanics we have this special thread here! or sharing CAD drawings too :wink:

My question is only about what I cannot see inside the center of the truck there, how the shocks are mounted. I feel like they could also give steering resistance if they would be bolted to the base part or separate steering springs/bushings could be used and the shocks are connected to the main kingpin and are unaffected in steering.
Oh if the shocks are attached to the base then moving them closer and farther away from the kingpin would give you higher ride height and stiffness, I am sure it is fine stock but custom making a more adjustable base would sure be fun!

From my very limited understanding of ideal wheel traction for handling in corners having weight shift to your inner wheel to remain more balanced when experiencing G-forces in the turn keeping all wheels with good contact and force driven forwards, So having the suspension stiffness linked to the steering does sound ideal.

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this is a thing

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Can someone redpill me on full suspension boards? I don’t understand the use case completely, I only understand the idea in concept…

To me it seems like they are
-very heavy
-lots of moving parts with breakage/failure potential
-difficult to do any jumps on(often strapless boards or lack of that trampoline ability you’d use to hop sidewalks.
-generally non functional/useful suspension aside from when you step on it

Overall they appear gimmiky as they seem to provide only a little bit of suspension. It kind of reminds me of those shoes for “comfort” that have a super cushiony sole made of memory foam. In the end you find out that the foam feels good in the hand, but when wearing it they instantly flatten and provide no soft cushion after bottoming out. The case I see with these boards is that jumping on top shows the shocks dipping, but when riding at say 20-30mph, they do nothing on potholes and other road hazards as the shocks do not compress and decompress at proper speed or depth.

I come from a trampa board that has a decent flex. I get amazing trampoline jumps up to sidewalks and have decent shock absorption in the board especially when landing jumps. My current opinion right now is that a trampa style board is more superior in almost all cases except high speed 25mph+. I have the suspension built in with no moving parts or additional weight, and straps kick up the off road capability to crazy levels of control. Not to mention the ground clearance on a upward curved board with a top mount.

I have ridden an ecomobil 4wd suspension board and my impression was that it was not very enjoyable. I immediately missed the springy deck of a trampa and was not impressed with its “shocks” on tree roots. It seemed to have much worse control.(maybe it was a bad board but it did run the guy something like 3000 which at the time was almost 1000 more than my diy trampa

Am I incorrect? What is your experience with suspension? If you can please compare it to a trampa.

I’m genuinely curious, it just seems odd to me right now. (Sorry if it’s a bad opinion, I have an open mind that has not been exposed to any decent positives with these suspension types.)