Hey Lads, with my job and geographical change semi-recently I have lost my once abundant free time and my drive for esk8 related activities. I’ve enjoyed every moment of this hobby and community, but unfortunately, it’s time for me to move on. Here I present the stockpiles of parts I’ve been keeping for spares and future builds which are now in need of new homes. Open to offers on everything and lots, prices do not include shipping. Possibly more to come…
The one catch here is I will not accept paypal G&S payment anymore, only good as cash payment’s, such as F&F. I understand that makes people uncomfortable, and rightly so, but I’m not playing games with the IRS and since no longer have a registered LLC I would be personally taxed on selling random used stuff on the internet. I have always made an effort be respectable and reliable in the community’s I’m involved with and have no intention to burn anyone now.
Hearo Forged Carbon Enclosure
Description: Big Ben Hearo gen1 forged carbon enclosure. There is a fitment issue with the center groups not fitting properly because the enclosure walls are to thick. Will need to sand down the interior edge of the enclosure to make it fit, but doable.
Price (USD): $50
Description: Unobtanium for real now I guess. 1x 60D+ Both new never used. 1x 100D+ used.
Price (USD): 60D+ $20, 100D+ $300
12S4P P42A Flat Pack
Description: Freshly assembled from NOS cells I’ve had stored. Ready to rock. (43.69V as of 2/17/25)
Price (USD): $400
10S2P Meepo ER style pack
Description: Freshly assembled from NOS P42A cells I’ve had stored. Ready to doubly the range of your meepo. (37.42V as of 2/17/25)
Price (USD): $200
LP20 connectors
Description: bag og 14 pairs, 7 3pin, 7 2pin. This is the lacroix standard, very robust connectors. Also the harder to find bulkhead style panel mounts.
Price (USD): $100 for all
Fishpaper Roll
Description: 70mm wide X 100M long roll of adhesive backed insulation paper
Price (USD): $80
ABEC 107’s
Description: Lightly used ABEC 107’s. Evolve spec less their branding. Black thane, Green core. 74A duro. No chunks.
Price (USD): $60
Poast Puck Case
Description: MJF puck case
Price (USD): $40
Wate 18S 3A charger
Description: Wate 18S charger that outputs more like 2.75A, little use, fairly small and light. XT60 output.
Price (USD): $50
Flipsky VX1
Description: New in box.
Price (USD): $20
MBS RS2 widening kit
Description: 3D printed widening kit for plastic MBS RS2’s. cheap way to stretch your tires. adds 7.8mm width and uses a 30mm wide bearing spacer.
Price (USD): $20
Tomiboi Medium length SS enclosure
Description: never used, dusty and a few small scratches here and there.
Price (USD): $50
Rigid grab handle and light bar mount
Description: Used them on matrix 2 trucks, worked well
Price (USD): $20
10S 4A charger
Description: 10S 4A charger.
Price (USD): $20
10mm shaft motor pulleys
Description: 2 pair each, 14 and 16 teeth. steel. 10mm key shaft.
Price (USD): $10 pair
Assorted Belts
Description: Bunch of 15mm belts
Price (USD): $40
Hoyt LED Battery Indicator
Description: New, plugs straight into stormcore, not sure what else. For 12S voltage
Price (USD): $40
Motor Rebuild Kit
Description: New C-clips, bearings, and shims for rebuilding motors with 8mm shafts, believe I used these on TB motors back in the day.
Price (USD): $10
14mm axle bearings
Description: New, these are the bearings for lacroix wheel pulleys.
Price (USD): $10
Magnet Wire Stripper
Description: Motor winding wire striper to solder your phase wires to. Used a couple time, very helpful when you need it, works well.
Price (USD): $40
Grab bag of remotes
Description: The RC style remotes. Think there’s 3 of them complete and another 2 in parts. And a few mod cases for them, don’t recall the name of the remote mod.
Price (USD): $20
Freebies, just pay shipping
Description: old globe cruiser deck, caliber split angle trucks with small enclosures. old 2spd remote should work but unknown, old OS antispark switch believed to work, burned focbox 1.6, burned LLT bms newer style integrated BLE.
SOLD Anti Sink X plates
SOLD 72T 20mm MBS pulleys
SOLD TomiBoi Bindings
SOLD Big beams
SOLD 18S3P P26A Battery
SOLD Puck Receiver
SOLD Moon wheels and RS tires
SOLD FS 63100’s 140KV
SOLD Shredlights SL-R1
SOLD Boosted Rev Build Parts
SOLD Floatwheel DIY Pint Kit
SOLD 18S5P P42A Battery
SOLD Evolve 6" tubes
SOLD MBS Bindings
SOLD Meepo Mini DIY “Campus Cruiser”
SOLD Kweld
SOLD 6354 FS motors
SOLD Focbox 1.6’s
SOLD Mountainboard Drivetrain