Forum Adjustments and Updates

Unread category shows up for me…

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Huh, I guess I was just out of stuff to read and forgot about it lol.

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We got like 15 people online and already lagging a bit. throws money at screen


Was just about to ask if anyone else had lagging issues. More influx needs to be accomadated lol

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:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Did it for the badge

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Any one time donation to get this shit up to speed???

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I would think once @longhairedboy goes to upgrade, we’ll get a price quote lol

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Need @longhairedboy to hook us up with more info.

Edit: Fucking best timing ever.

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Where can I donate so I don’t have to see any annoying ads at the top of the page. If there is sponsoring can it not be on every page pls

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I haven’t seen a single ad even with UBlock disabled. :thinking:


The pictures only thread lags a lot. I am ready to donate money for faster servers.


Same… :wink:


Does discourse facilitate sponsor/paid member accounts? Could be a way to start the funding

After a quick google search, it seems that there are a bunch of plugins doing exactly that:

I think there would actually be a bunch of people on here (including me) who would be willing to pay a bit per month to help… :slight_smile:


FYI, if I get an alert for flag I automatically disagree. I hate flags, see no reason for them. @longhairedboy may feel different, but until I hear him say it that’s what I’m doing.


I’m not saying that this group has ads what I’m saying is how can I donate so that way it never does. Like the builders forum I hate that unity ad

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What if its a man that is trying to convert us back to the builders forum?


TBH the Enertion adds were never that bad, it’s only a few pixels off the top of the scree with no pop-ups

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Oh yeah, that ad sucks. I actually removed it with UBlock straight after it was changed from event dates to only Unity.



Imagining tiered

  • paid member
  • Sponsor member
  • Trade member

Needs to be affordable of course and not a coercive thing. Maybe even a buck a month entry member level.

Also folks who have a brand should not feel ‘groped’ like they were many times on the other place. It would be cool to see people represent their product/brand with one account of the same name and then they can do their crazy opinion thing on a personal a/c. Unless you are LHB, you can just be your bad self