Focbox Unity Troubleshooting

Can you post the detection results?

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Motor Calibration

Just got free to work on my board. Now the motors turn even slower than previously.

Rerun detection, that’s whack. Those values look normal for unsensored.

I’ve heard of the vx2 remote doing some wonky stuff before, not sure if it’s been worked out yet.

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You made sure to set the remote mode to forward/brake right?

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I keep rewriting the firmware and the problem goes away, but has returned repeatedly. Again the problem has vanished. Going to test it and see if I still have speed issues. This is what I currently have

Yeah this sounds familiar. I think it was @zero_ads who was having similar issues.

Yep here it was

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Yeah, I was reading this thread and it doesn’t look like they found a solution?

I’m hoping he’ll jump in with some helpful progress :crossed_fingers:

Did the speed issue go away at least?

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about to take it for a spin

Hard to tell without putting some load on it

Board went backwards instead. Tried to recalibrate and back at square 1 with slow motors.

When you run motor detect and get it to respond, was it spinning the wheels the correct direction on the bench?

The VX2 UART messes up Unity configs. Move to PPM. You will lose telemetry. I just bought a Puck, partially because of this. Another option is to configure everything with the VX2 unplugged but its a hassle.

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the method i found was, do all settings (with vx2 receiver plug in, but remote off), turn remote back on. if u need to tweak things on the fly, turn off remote, turn off unity and back on (remote still off), do ur shit and turn remote back on. this works for me until i’ve got everthing setup to my liking, then i never go back to the unity ui to change anything, this sucks but it works


Check your speed modes to make sure it’s at 100%. not the lower ones.

How do you get the remote to respond in only PPM mode w/ UART disabled? I think @frame is right though. The Unity would not let me write to it with the VX2 controller on

vx2 doesn’t support ppm mode, so u will need to have it disable

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Thanks, I think that solves the speed problem (I’ll have to go test it out), but now I have the issue where it only goes backwards no matter how I calibrate the motors. Any ideas?

Okay I think I somehow got it. Will update on speed shortly

pull back thumb wheel and press the mode button will change direction

push thumb wheel and hold specifc speed for a bit and press power button for cruise control

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