Focbox Unity issues

Having a weird cut off on acceleration. It would cut then go right after. This happened after FW update.

Had the first unity reset after the UI app crashed.

Just for personal reference, did you manually shut the board down or did it time out?

I turned it off. UI kept crashing and wouldnt scan for my unity. So what i usually do is reset app if that doesnt work power cycle board. When I turned it on my motors going opposite direction. And connected to UI no motors was detected. Everything was factory reset.

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Does MetrPro work with the latest Unity FW?

Yes it does

i have the focbox unity does not seem to power on its a unity from the third batch this is the first time i try using it i tried using a different switch this switch’s circle lights up but pressing the button does not power on the esc any suggestions ? i uplugged the bluetooth module and now it does turn on

I got that also, One wheel spins directly with full power but The other One wait half a second before he’s going to spin…

What are your settings on braking in the latest firmware?

I have set up my board like this:

Motor max 80A
Motor min -70A
Battery max 110A
Battery min - 16A

My battery is a 30T 12s4p, maximum cell charge is 4A, maximum continuous discharge is 35A, both currents per cell according to Samsung 30T datasheet.

The problem is that I have a low high speed power braking even at full brake, on low speeds it brakes ok but the transition from high speed to low speed braking is not progressive and smooth.

I can’t increase battery min more, any pointers from the unity experts around here?

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You’re unlikely to cook anything, see some chat about this topic here, pretty sure doubling your battery min is just fine.

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What’s your throttle curve look like?

I’m using 30Qs in a 10s5p config for reference.

I think the cells will take >4a for bursts, especially if the pack is closer to empty. I’d say increase batt min to -20 or -24 and don’t do intense braking until pack is like 70% or less. Maybe.

Brakes are more important than cycle life, as long as notihng catches fire, right? :slight_smile:

Well even at full braking (throttle pulled to the max) the brakes are lame, so nothing throttle curve culd fix. On low speeds the brakes can be locked easily, making changes to the braking throttle curve migth affect both hi and low speeds, more low speed braking won’t be safe for me.

-16A of motor min on my 12S4P will give me 4A of bursts for each 30T, going further will give me even more amps with according to Samsung will be too much:

100% correct, however I wonder why such big ammount of current have this kind of llame brakes!

You can exceed the rated charge for very short periods of time lasting but a few seconds (long enough for your speed to drop from full-speed to just really fast)

I increased battery min to -20A and I’m still braking pretty soft, I’ll try -24A tomorrow and make a couple of logs on Metr, will report back with updates.

thanks guys!

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To add a bit of color, trampa often recommends setting bat min very high. -25 to -35 in this case:

And I believe the lower the SOC, the larger charge current the cell can handle. The CC/CV charge algorithm is a generalized formula that is safe for all lithium ion chemistries, but it’s not optimal.


Ok guys I tried -24A of battery min and it’s braking pretty good now, I can ride faster and with way more confidence now, I’m pretty sure the battery won’t have issues in the future.

I tried to log data on Metr but I’, not getting any data, maybe I need to set the baud rate accordingly?


Did you manage to solve this?

I took the bluetooth from the unity out and then i could power it on. hoping there wont be more issues. the unity does not work with bluetooth hope it can be fixed