Focbox Unity issues

You’re no longer entitled to bash on vendors or their products. You are now a “valuable friend” remember?


That’s true, I think it’s supposed to blow up like that. Looking solid enertion :+1:


Nobody really has enough info to figure out what’s going on with the unit. Even perfect electronics blow up if contaminated with a bit of conductive material in the wrong place. The unity is run through jigs both pre assembly and after the heatsink is installed to check if any contaminants may have compromised the integrity of the unit. It does have a conformal coating on top but that’s really a last line of defense.

Anyway, just need to figure out what went wrong where.


Show us the battery and cables and where they come out from the battery, did you make it yourself?

This fail is the most common fail for all my unitys. I think I have used or sold ~150 Unitys by now and 6 unitys this happend to, so I gues its still low failure rate.

Also one more place that I have found can blow:


Yes, this battery is make by my self.


Nice board :grin::+1:

Thanks for your reply. Before I install the new untity, I hope can know what the problem. Now I understand that it may be that there is a problem with the quality of a small part of the product. So if I determine the voltage is correct, i can install the new unity directly, it is?

Wish me luck.

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my honor😃

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Yes you can do it, have the button connected to Unity when you connect battery to Unity.

:ok_hand: I will, thanks​:blush:

looks to me like the xt90 on your battery is the wrong way round. plugging the battery in backwards would 100% let the smoke out.

If this is the case and you connect another unity prepare for more smoke. Also this is a user fault so dont expect this to be cover under warranty (unless you got that platinum cover)

EDIT: maybe not, might just be the weird angle in the photo.


Yes he have done it right

Got tricked from the picture



Hi all,

Not really an issue but: I am using the MAC tool for my FOCBOX Unity to update the firmware, however, I am not sure which file to select to upload? I have included a screenshot below (assuming my HW is 4.12 too…) EDIT: I think I have found on the old builder forum that it is VESC_Default.bin

So I actually don’t think it is possible for me to update the firmware with Mac tool as it is outdated and I get an error message ‘erase buffer timeout’

That is the BLDC TOOL not the Focbox Unity tool. That tool is only good for 4.12 Hardware Base ESC.


I’m assuming there is no iOS app for the Unity given my forum reading over the last hour or so (read of a Alpha/Beta app going that subsequently got quashed).

Are there any iOS apps that can connect to Unity?

Metr if you buy a metr module.


Not until Enertion pay @sofu for work done on the iOS.

It would require a change in fortunes for Enertion & payment for this work or rewriting the app, I hope the latter. It would be great at some point to have a mobile app for iOS

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