FluxMotion.eu - website launch

Making some progress on my DIY build. Feels like its starting to come together. Thanks @CiscoV for the hook up on some new/used parts.

Last thing time buy is motors. Waiting on some Black Friday sales…


Woohoo. Looking awesome brother :love_you_gesture:t3:

You have no idea how hard it was for me to let go of that stuff
I’m such a hoarder :rofl:


What grip is that?

I’m pretty embarrassed to admit this… but I bought the hex shaped grip tape from MBoards. That is the only thing that I bought from them :slight_smile:

Haven’t read anything bad about mboards… What’s bad about them?

He takes shortcuts.

Grip tape is hard to mess up, but I wouldn’t buy anything from him that I had to rely on for my board to function properly.


Grip looks good though. I might copy!

I got a pair of TB6380 190kvs if you don’t want to wait for black friday


Nice, that’s exactly what I wanted. Shoot me a PM.

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Frédéric @EboardSolutions is such a cool guy! He thought so many things and the board is amazing!
I don‘t know this guy personally, but I appreciate good quality!
Today I did my first Marathon with this board, and it did very well the job!
Still I think, damn give some chocolate or other candies and you‘re on the real player…
But there is a little thing for improvement :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Also I really like the „Yours Truly“ App - well done (please hit him - I can’t remember his name right now) @Elias






Thanks :slight_smile:


I did meet him in person and hes cool!


Wow i’m jealous of your beautiful shredding/surfing territory ! You lucky guy! … I just went for a 20km ride here in Holland … all flat and lots of traffic:-(
But hey; for speed Holland is great because it’s mostly all smooth asfalt .
Am thinking about a Flux too , especially when seeing the range you’re getting on your ride. I bought a Evolve GTR a couple of months back ; want to go a step forward :wink:


Well, we have hills and mountains: true
But like that day also a lot of people on the road and I‘m driving like there is the stupidest person, so I‘m very careful while driving. Same with animals like dogs, horses and others :wink:

I took forestroads where you had to be very careful with traction with all the leaps laying around. Ond the top of a hill (funny while driving I thought „mountain“ for a dutch guy) it was perfect: little people ond empty roads: full power

The whole trip was my longest so far and I felt my legs, but f***ing awesome!

I have different boards for different occasions, but all in all: I love this carver with that range

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I‘m also owner of an Evolve and I love the carving but like maaany others opinion: sell it as fast as you can and switch to diy or that one.
My diy‘s so far had other targets (power not range in short sentence) but this setting I missed and fulfilled it completely

Btw welcome to the forum!