Flipsky VX3 | Trigger remote

See that Flipsky is getting into the trigger remote game.

…which might be good news for trigger fanboi’s like @Venom121212, @ShutterShock and myself :smiley:


  • Slimline receiver that - unlike Maytech’s - doesn’t need its own enclosure and drivetrain.
  • IP67 vs Maytech’s IP66*
  • Comprehensive telemetry display (1.6" vs. 1.2"(?))
  • Broader functionality (e.g. reverse, cruise control) than Maytech’s
  • ‘VX3’ (3 slick chars) trumps ‘MTSKR2005WF’ (11 ridiculous chars)
* Full disclosure

Yeah, ok. Maytech also has the MTSKR1905WF, which is IP67, for a 33% price bump.


  • It looks way chunkier than the Maytech, probably because the screen is bigger. It’s approaching GT2B proportions.
  • Brake trigger looks a bit small and thin. Maytech’s is broader and it looks like it has a longer throw.
    Dunno, I need to get it in-hand to see if this is a good or a bad thing. There’s a lot of extra real-estate they could use there though.
  • It lacks the switching functionality (for lights etc) that Maytech’s outsized receiver supports.
  • It’s made by Flipsky, a company synonymous with life-threatening technical issues.

No word on the pricing yet but I’m glad to see another player getting involved and providing an alternative to Maytech’s offering. Not least because Agnes and I had a bit of a run-in lately.

Is Flipsky represented on the forum to tell us more?


Lol called out

I feel you on that receiver, however one of the major draws of the maytech receiver was the relay to control lights

That brake lever looks really thin, my whole thumb is supported on the maytech one.
If it is more reliable then that would be interesting.

Nevertheless, good to see competition


Thanks for the tag! This style of remote is by far my favorite type of remote. Definitely keep me posted if you get one. I don’t need a remote at the moment but am always interested in split triggers. If it can hold up like the maytech one with better signal reliability, I’d be sold on it.

Any idea on price?


It’s so big :nauseated_face:

I would love to finally try a dual trigger remote but i would rather prefer the size of evolves r2 (maybe a tad bigger)



No. I’m curious too. I was hoping that Flipsky are represented here somehow to tell us more.

Too true, buddy. For all their faults, Evolve really got the form-factor right on the R2. I’m surprised nobody has tried a retrofit of the Maytech gubbins into the R2 shell.

Hmm… I see a new project forming :thinking:


I mean it’s not really that big and it is nice to hold so I don’t know why anyone would try

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Street cred?

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I’ll wait for the vx4.


i have always liked the VX remotes, will be good to give this one a go


I’ve never had one. I hear that the VX1 is the real deal but the VX2 is a bit hit-and-miss… where the ‘hit’ tends to be between your face and the asphalt.


Yeah VX1 is super legit. The VX2 is ok, I never really look at that screen. So it just a bigger vx1 for me. The older VX2s also have a bug where they randomly put your board into reverse on power up.


I’ve been using the maytech v2 split trigger remote for awhile now and I’m loving it

Flipsky VX series always feels too cheap in my hands. The spring they use in them arnt smooth either. Hopefully they beefed up the vx3.


Another “like a gun” remote
When you live in Germany, where esk8 are strictly forbidden, the last thing you want - remote looks like a gun :sweat_smile:


It’s more scary in the U.S. where cops are trigger happy. It’s best to get them painted


This one looks more like a gun than the Maytech, but less than the trampa wand with grip that literally looks exactly like a glock

The maytech screen doesn’t stick out past your trigger finger very much, this one does a lot more


FIY, info is about a month old.

I’m confused as to what they are trying to say

Throttle trigger is easily touched unintentionally? I don’t get it

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i assume they mean that it doesn’t have a deadman trigger. So you can easily bump the trigger like on the mini remote.

From my limited time here, Flipsky seems like they really respond to community/customer feedback. Good on them for continuing to improve.

I will say, my immediate impression was “gun”. There will be a cop somewhere who uses that to pull someone over, no doubt.

The bucket of water was quite impressive. I wonder how they seal the trigger mechanism.


Eh I hate deadman triggers lol I wouldn’t buy a remote that has one

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