Hi all.
I’ve been torturing a flipsky small dual 6.
The master now won’t work after some brutal testing…
Any help on where to look?
Drvs look good?
Hi all.
I’ve been torturing a flipsky small dual 6.
The master now won’t work after some brutal testing…
Any help on where to look?
I call @seaborder … he told me he love to repair flipsky vescs, so maybe he knows where to look first.
Are the last two pins on the top right drv supposed to be bridged?
Spoke to the guys in the workshop. They removed the bridge which has stopped the red light flashing. But still unable to connect. I will get down to take a look this afternoon…
Unfortunately I’ve got no idea how these work, but just noticed there’s some sort of residue just to the right of centre, on the top row pins of the other drv.
Probably not the cause of your problems, but just mentioning it.
I have the same issue, but me both side are now only blue. I even tried to connect with a stlink to redo the bootloader, but i’m unable to connect.
That’s a pain. Perhaps I can push the boot loader over can but it doesn’t seem to recognise that there is another esc on can.
I think it is the 3v3 regulator in my case. I will do some test
I’ve literally had these exact symptoms with 2 units already. One is still in warranty so I sent it back to Flipsky to take a look
Stlink reflash stm32 chip put a new boot loader into it. Voila
I have same problem but found a simple solution. First, if you using flipsky micro usb wire throw it in the trash and burn it! The solutions use different micro USB wire or buy from the computer store.
What if he tried it after buying an stlink and followed this video, but had issues with the mcu not being able to be connected to, and he knew it wasn’t operator error because he verified that connecting to the working one worked fine?.. Asking for a friend.
At that point I believe the mcu might have gotten corrupted in a way st link can’t handle. I dont specialize in drv coding… maybe someone like @seaborder would know what’s up at that point?
I have a mac and find the steps to get it working a little beyond me. Unless I am missing something?
Not sure I can help there. I dont touch apples. I prefer oranges
I dug a windows laptop out of a drawer.
Managed to get it installed.
Firstly. Is this what I’m looking for?
Sadly no.