Personally, I use a nucleo stm32 board
When it happened to me. I had gamer help me out and teach how it all works on the other forum. This is the thread
It has videos, links to good stlink including the nucleo, and explanations to how to do it. If it still doesn’t work, I can contact gamer through my Facebook to get him to help out (if hes not too busy on a prototype)
Check for continuity between 3.3v and ground, had the same issue, @JohnnyMeduse ended up fixing it, needed a new chip
This was on a 6.6 dual (big one) but I’m sure alot of the components are similar
This is the quickest one to arrive I could find.
Just finding the corresponding pins on the flipsky now.
He’s sitting in a dark room with a calculator on one hand and his keyboard on the other, cans of redbull all around him, hasn’t eaten in days and his door handle has dust on it. There’s just not 14 seconds in the day to read a forum, the antispark research must go on. LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.
Bit dramatic.
Yeah like the others mentioned you could try with st link but you have to create connection first because there are no pins. Also if one side of the vesc doesent turn on at all I dont think its the firmware more likely one of the diodes that dorsent let current pass. Solder them out and test with multimeter. Also like @Brenternet showed you the solder bridge at the drv pins devnitly is wrong an may caused the issue in that line.
Thanks for mention me guys