FlexiBMS Lite - Flexible Configuration BMS w/ CAN-bus

How’s that different?

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I guess I misread that. My fault.

Not sure about the technicality stuff w how do they communicate. But how does one peripheral know what signal to send and to which other device if the wires are split up?

I’ll read up on CANbus proto. This is interesting.

Each device has a CAN ID and each message on the CAN BUS has the ID of the recipient.


I tried the whole battery and VESC on a trailer, I rolled it within 30 minutes and it ruined; the batteries, the VESCs, BMS, antispark and I want to say buck converter died with it. You think it’ll work, then it works, then it doesnt work.


Do you know what killed it? Vibration?


Initially I think it was just a bad 4.12 pulling too much without enough cooling, but it didn’t seem to throttle itself until it died when I was going quickly in a turn and it locked up causing me to roll and rip out any wire between my board and my trailer (Which was just a piece of wood with another truck on it, sue me)


I decided against the trailer based on couple of key reasons:

  1. It’s going to make carrying the board (if needed) much harder due to the length increase and the fact that the trailer is going to be dangling around in the back. Keeping the pack tied to the board itself allows it to be one solid structure, even though it will need to be manhandled.
  2. I want to very likely use this pack in my other crazy EV contraptions coming up and the pelican case pack can easily be attached/tied to them.

Now I don’t know yet how the new pack, once finished, will affect the ride quality of the board due to it’s higher center of mass and much larger weight. It might start to act as a pendulum at higher speeds causing speed wobbles, but that is something that needs to be tested.


Wow I made some researches for this and it says that it cost around “$30 000-$50 000” to certify one product, that’s damn expensive…

The new battery will comply with these standards?
So you are using a discharge PCB instead of a discharge BMS? It seems like manufacturers doesn’t bypass discharging for safety reasons I assume?


The bms is bypassed. But their is still double layers of security for discharge. Yes I got a quote and it was 50 000 USD to certificate :sweat_smile:. So will only do UN, but its build to pass it. You can send pm if you want to discuss it more. Dont want to go off topic from flexi bms :slightly_smiling_face:


UL require battery pack for be sending around 50pcs which are destroy during test. Is very expensive for test.

We think this new battery for bio board can be safest battery for any skateboard. :grin:


Any updates? Anxious to get my hands on one of these!


UL is such a predatory extortive private organization.

Ugh. I’ve dealt with them more than I ever care to. Once you start doing business with them they act like you’re under mafia protection, with all the ‘perks’ that come with that.

I came onto a start-up company that didn’t know any better and UL had them completely backed into a corner with piling up fees & inspections for facilities that didn’t even exist.

Terribly corrupt organization sadly.


I tried to reach @SimosMCmuffin for days via PM and didn’t get an answer. Does somebody know what going on with him?

He’s been on within the last day, could be that he’s busy and/or people are being overly needy.



Been busy at work with overtime working on the military project we got (got new things to learn on it) and developing a FOC-motor controller for another customer, making the FOC-control algorithm from scratch and really learning its fundamental workings. Note, not planning on entering the esk8 market with my controller at his point :wink:.

Sorry I’ve been unreachable during this time. Situation may get better in the following weeks.

Project update,
Due to the Covid-19 virus outbreak my 0.5 HW PCB order was delayed by about a month, so it has been in essence frozen for the past month and I’ve therefore focused more hours on my workplace projects, other personal backlog projects and future plans. Fortunately the PCB fab house has been able to now complete the board order and I should be receiving them this week (week 10).

The action plan for the upcoming days/weeks is to get a couple of 0.5 boards assembled, tested and verified. Once I’m satisfied with the results I’m now planning on doing another tester batch with a dozen or so boards. I have couple of new testers already lined up, such as @Chricious (you’re on the list), couple others and a couple of the old testers who are helping with the development and feedback. I have 15 boards coming, but I’m not necessarily assembling all of them and I’m not planning on opening another official tester application form at this point. I’ll let you guys know when I’m looking for more people to send test boards to, so please don’t go spamming my inbox at this point. I know you guys are interested and I appreciate it.

Note. Covid-19
All upcoming plans might get affected by the Covid-19 as a force majeure influence, so at this point I can’t promise anything scheduling wise, but rather just milestone steps that we get to and pass as we go forward.

In Helsinki, capital of Finland, we now have confirmed cases of infection among the general populace and recommendations to self-quarantine are starting to be enforced.
In all likelyhood, from what I have gathered from following the situation. The incubation period can be up to 27 days while being asymptomatic and able to transmit the virus via aerosol and droplet transmission. The virus has also been reported to survive up to 9 days on surfaces. This will cause economic slowing/downfall, as the infection will very likely slowly spread through the populace, with the self-quarantine acting more as a method to slow the speed of spread and help the infrastructure services (food, medical) to absorb the impact by spreading it timewise out.

Stay safe out there.

I’ve been planning up the crazy trip idea to travel over 2000 km on a esk8 during the summer to Lapland or up north of Finland. I ordered some camping equipment and tested them out last weekend, a daytime trial-run so to say. Got even a work colleague to join up and grill some sausages. (pictures show correct orientation on computer, but for some reason they get rotated :man_shrugging: ).

I also need a pretty beefy charger to take with me on the trip. I’ve had this one benchtop lab supply project on a backlog just forever and finally got working on it and after some 3D-print iteration it turned out pretty well. It’s made with a DPS5015 chinese DC-DC buck-regulator mated to a Meanwell LRS-350-48. It’s about 80-90 euros for a 350 Watt power supply, which is pretty good value IMO. The 3D-print case also allows them to be stacked vertically on top of another unit. Not the sleekest form factor, but more pragmatic and functional.

I’m gonna do at least one test unit with Meanwell’s SE-600-48 600W PSU that is around 90-100 euros, that might actually be the one I would take with me to the trip for faster charging.


Wow, Well done! That shit is awesome!

Shucks, oh well, Maybe next time. Really anticipating getting my hands on one of these so i can finish my pack off.

I hope you and your loved ones manage to stay safe. This damn virus is popping up everywhere.

You absolute Mad man. Are you not worried about ride fatigue at all? Otherwise, i think it’s gonna be a blast! Looking forward to when that comes around


Finally someone who actually tries to understand the situation…

I really pity those who think this virus is nothing.

Don’t want to derail so stay safe and thanks for this great update!


Thanks Simos for not forgetting and taking care of us!

I can recommend you the Meanwell HLG-480H 8.9A 480W. Its about 100€-120€ and completely passive cooled .


Nice write up, thanks for the update. The camping looks fun! I want to go camping in the snow sometime… but this year we didnt really get any unfortunately…

And If you need more testers, I’d gladly sign up. I would test it in combo with the new v6 neobox samples ill receive soon.

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Might be interested in this topic

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