First build, need help with parts

Hello to the community, hope some of you more experienced guys might be able to help me.

I have been wanting to build a board for quiet some time, so i have started ordering parts.
Which may not have been the best start.

Opted for some Flipsky 6.6 for a dual build, as i got them for a great price.

Now i need the rest of the parts.

That’s where i need help. I don’t know if i should buy motors from flipsky, or somewhere else?
Was thinking about dual 6374’s, but dont know if they will fit on the trucks i want. Else i would go for dual 6355’s.

I am pretty sure that i am gonna get Caliber II trucks, and want to get some Dickyho mounts, idlers and crossbars, etc. (If he still makes and sells all of these, and i can find where to buy them all?)

Already got a deck, although i wanna change it at some point in the future. (Urban blue, with kicktail. Pretty old but very stiff board, which i like)

Dont know about batteries either. It seems to be a jungle of options.

Think i am gonna make a wooden casing, perhaps with metal reinforcing.

I reside in northen europe if that matters.

I advance, thanks for advice an guidance!


For motors you better opt for Maytech instead of Flipsky (quite some issues)

For Battery since you are in EU I advice @pjotr47 to build you a decent battery.

Wheels I would go for Abec11 107mm Superfly (which I sell at discount for members)

Enclosure : @BigBen

idk if a dual 6374 will work on Caliber trucks (space issues)


I would suggest Maytech or Torqueboards motors.
The dickyho caliber mounts are solid but the ebay shop is closed for chinese new years so that’s probably why you can’t find it.

Dual 6374 will not work on the Caliber II, you will need something wider like the torqueboards 218 or 3DServisas fatboy hangers for that. Also keep in mind that press fit pulleys will not work on the Caliber II without modification since the axle is too short. Press fit pulleys will work on the E-Caliber trucks.


Like @MarkOneBoards:

Maytech motors

If you need battery advice/price send me a message.

Markoneboard have a steal off a deal for 107mm’ers

6374 don’t work on standard caliber. Only on those extended Torqueboard Trucks.

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The above options are great.
A wooden box is undesirable.
It would need to be strong, water proof to avoid the wood rotting or use hardwood, and it would be heavy af.

Cheap and reliable you could use a fiberglass enclosure from @BigBen or 3d print an enclosure (lots on thingyverse) but in that case your deck has to have 0 flex.

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If you want to use 6374 motors on caliber 2 trucks you can mount one motor forward and one motor backwards. Looks a little strange but gives you awesome power without the bulky wide trucks.
Flipsky motors are fine if you are on a tight budget but they won’t last as long.


Damn thats a lot of answers fast! Thanks guys.

How would Caguama, Orangutang wheels do? The ABEC 11 107’s look very nice, but very expensive. But they might be worth the extra $?

I wanted the caliber trucks due to easy availability where i am, and they seemed to get some praise for eskate building.
But i am not locked on these, and wider trucks might be nicer for when i get a bigger deck.

The main reason i wanted 6374’s is due to me being a tall and heavy guy, just figured that i needed bigger motors for braking and torque. Would smaller motors, 6355ish do? (about 193cm/6’3’’ and 101kg/220ish lbs.)

Other places than ebay to get Dickyho’s stuff? Does he sell 15 mm belts? (For if i get wider trucks)

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Just looked through

They got some 97 mm flywheels i guess are ABEC 11 clones, would they do?

Are their motor mounts fine?

Maybe i should order a pack from them with wheels, trucks, motors, mounts, belts and drives, if their stuff is worth it.


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Great wheels, but smaller in diameter. Most feel better with larger wheels and the clearance those wheels provide.

Nothing wrong with them, but limited application with the way esk8 is trending. Wider gives you moire options for sure.

6355s are fine, but there’s a reason dual 6374 is a staple around here. For your size (similar to me), I would go dual 6374 on a wider truck like TB218s or better yet, Haggyboard Kahuas.


Some more info here

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Never saw those before. They got a complete drive system: Any experience with these?

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I have the complete set of trucks and mounts in a box for my next board. But pretty much everyone I know who have therm love them, and Haggyboard has, IMHO, the best customer service/shipping response in esk8.

Standard Caliber vs. Kahua:

That would propably have been a good plan for me to start in that thread.
The plan when i startet was not to make a budget build, but got some unforseen expenses that sorta have turned it into one.

This would be my first build and board, so perhaps it is good to learn some leasons on what to and what not to do, before i cash all out on Trampa VESC’s and pneumatic trucks and wheels.

So far, i think i will end up using about 1000-1500$ on the build when its done. Dont know if that is considered a budget build? (I know that its possible to go both above and below that pricerange, but i prefer to build myself for the experience and thrill of making my own stuff)

But due to still ongoing expenses, i buy the parts a bit at a time. Till’ i got all the stuff i need to make a running board, so that i may start with the deck i already got for my (manuel?) non electric longboard.

If you can wait, absolutely the way to go. Research each part/decision, then pull the trigger on that piece. Since you’re iffy on deck, start there. Make sure there’s an enclosure available.

Do the ESC last, since a lot of nice VESC-compatible options are coming soon.

Already got a couple of Flipsky 6.6 esc’s, remote and receiver. Thought about trying to put them into PPM, and drive them in a dual setup.

Guess i could wait, but i am inpatient! Just wanna get it ready for spring so i can ride. Then i can start making a plan for a new, better and also more expensive board after.

Sorry, missed that. Then you’re good to go there.

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Well, from what i gather, they are not the best. So i am sure i am going to build another at some point.

Right now i am debating with myself whether or not to get the TB drivesystem or Haggyboards drivesystem, due to the TB’s ability to change over to All-terrain tires. Dont know if that is possible with Haggyboards.

But i also dont know how the TB mounts and drives are compared to dickyho’s, as these get a lot of praise.

It is:

Don’t mean to be Haggy pushy, but check this out: I ordered some gear on a Sunday night (we share a time zone), and Monday morning I have an email checking on a few details, then later the same day I get a tracking number. Beat that. But to be fair, Torqueboards is also quite good and reliable.

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My first advice is don’t choose parts based on low price – or you will probably end up paying for some things twice, rendering the price point moot.

My second advice is here

I wish you the most luck :slight_smile: