First build, looking for feedback! (:

I prefer the 85mm caguamas on an electric board, but 80mm will be fine if that saves you some money. The light blue urethane formula is prone to chunking, so I’d recommend the orange ones.

If you want to go as cheap as possible, then the MakerX DV4 is ~130€:

Oh wow, the vesc 6 based models went up in price. I got 2 of the mini focs for 85$ each just a while back :sweat_smile:

Anyway, there’s a saying around here that goes “buy cheap, buy twice”. No point in comparing to the flipsky if it’s going to die on you after a few rides.

Personally I try to only buy decks that I can buy a ready-made enclosure for. The hummie deck from nexus boards or the loaded omakase form sickboards + an enclosure from BigBen are probably the cheapest options.

Here’s a good deal on a loaded vanguared + enclosure set:

Or browse Eboosted’s website and see which of those decks you can find on sickboards.

If he hurries up and finally finishes the 38" switchblade enclosure, then I would for sure recommend that.

That is true, but consider this:

  • You’re buying a cheap ESC. You’ll hardly be able to push the 6374 motors any more than you could 6355 ones.
  • You’re going to have a small battery. Let’s say, 10s2p of 30Q cells. That’s good for around 40A battery. Let’s say you really needed torque for going up hills, and you set each motor at 50A. At max speed, your board would need 100A to maintain that torque. Your battery can only do 40A. So basically, once you pass 40% of your top speed, your torque will already get limited by your battery. Is it really worth buying heavier, more powerful motors just for a bit more torque from 0 to 40%? Probably not.
  • My first build was a dual drive 6355 on Caguamas. I had a 12s battery capable of 60A. The battery started becoming my limit once I changed my gearing to hit 58km/h. Before that, when I was geared for 48km/h, I even LIMITED my motor current because it was TOO MUCH for me to safely handle :laughing: Just trust me, you’ll be better off with dual 6355 :slight_smile: