First Build, $1500 limit, suggestions!?

I suppose I could have it pre-built into the enclosure? All I would have to do is hook everything up when it arrives.

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Yup @eBoosted will take good care of you in that aspect of battery building

Ooof, yeah. In that case I will probably go with two 6374’s then.


This is Alan’s build on the deck your getting

As you can see his battery work is beautiful

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Do you have a soldering iron with you? You will probably have to do a bit when that time comes.

Here’s some miscellaneous stuff that you should purchase

Black 12AWG silicone wire
Red 12AWG silicone wire
XT90 connectors
Heat shrink for wires

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And of course solder and flux silly @Linny :crazy_face:

Thanks for having my back :rofl:

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Lol yepp, I have all that. I’ll email him and see what he can do for the battery. Thanks again for all the help!

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Anything you’re not sure of, give us a shout :wave:

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Keep in mind that’s a 730$ battery alone :grin: just a heads up @Esk8t

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:+1: Thanks!

Yea i figure it’ll be close to a 2k build

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Might cut it close on that 1500$ price range. If your willing to be flexible go for it !

Yeah cause that’s a 1000$ just in deck enclosure and battery

400 on just motors on a 1500 build that’s a big ask. I have 84’s on my current build so I am a fan. 84 is only 25% more torque but you have to scale up your battery and ESC. You can’t max out a 6354 with a makerx dual.

Do you have a protective gear budget? $300-500 for that atleast.


I can build my own battery and that battery will cost me nearly 600 to make. That’s more like a 2k+ build. It’s all primo stuff. No garbage in your choices.

When did I ever say to spend 400$ on motors :smile: @Movation

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Sorry you didnt
I have a makerx running dual 6354s with 100 battery amps
I can max out my motors the ESC can’t push enough current. I have tested my new 6384 on this board and I have less power but when I swap out my ESC for my one of my fs 6.6 plus it’s a different story. 100 peak amps vs 200 peak amps. So going larger than 6354 on a vesc that can only push 50amps there is no point. This board will do 30+ miles/hour with makerx and 54s and on a 28" deck that’s fast enough.

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Yeah honestly @Esk8t I’d look for two Used Focboxes or something similar

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