Finally a Landyachtz esk8 deck ??

I think it would be a good option to provide, because I know some people absolutely love foam grip for comfort and how it plants your foot to the board, but personally I feel like I lose some board control with it, so I prefer regular grip.


Offer a no grip option so you don’t put it on just for me to take it off and toss it xD


I’m not a huge fan of foam grip tape, it sounds like an add on solution on a less adapted deck, that’s were we need good design and correct flex amount

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That was my next question. Top gripped, just gripped at the ends, or no grip at all.

Usually people don’t dance on their electric boards, so having the middle grip-free is nice when carrying the board :upside_down_face:

A lot of people like to skin + frit or otherwise customize the top of their boards, but the default griptape landyachtz include is pretty good IMO, and the logo in the middle is slick, so I would vote for keeping grip on it. (I’m also bad at applying my own griptape cleanly, lol)


I personally prefer glass frit(you guys need a frit guy? Call me. Lmao). I’d offer options for no grip, full grip, and just where your feet go.

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Offering multiple grip styles would be very hard to implement from a logistical point of view. For this case, maybe shipping them upgripping but including a sheet of griptape in the box would work for someone who wants to do something special, otherwise it’d have to be one style of griptape.

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I thought you’d say something like that. Maybe it’s worth creating a poll to see what people prefer – pre-applied grip or no grip? (New grip is pretty easy to take off to be fair, but it would be interesting to hear what the majority think)

  • Deck comes with griptape applied
  • Deck comes without grip applied

0 voters

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From my point of view, no grip tape pre applied is better. As it saves us a step in manufacture.


all what can get the price down is good, same thing for grafics : most of the time we get an enclosure under our deck so grafics isn’t a priority


Ey, graphics on top would be cool. For the clear frit guys. :smiley:


I was thinking if the deck is ungripped we could apply a small graphic to the top centre. So it’d still be visible when the ends are gripped. Either way though, gotta find a way to get the brand name on there.


Some of our team really hates frit. They tried it a few years ago with some pinners, but there was some issue that meant someone had to spend weeks sanding them back down to grip normally. This was before my time with them. But since it’s very difficult to remove it’s not something our team is fond of.


lazer engraved brand name on the side of the board ?

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Laser engraving is good for a small run of a board, but given the time it takes it’s pretty impractical for a large manufacture run.

so I guess cutted griptape like on onther LY decks, but on the feet spots instead of on the middle ? probably the easyer,
also if you were not to install it from factory, it’s just two identical square pads with the logo instead of a roll of tape

whispers solvents are your friend (;

so yeah have a quick n dirty mock up:


Let me rephrase that. It’s very hard to remove on an industrial level when you don’t want to have any solvents lying around as they could damage graphics and would necessitate new PPE for employees and safety training.


Looks like you just gave that poor switchblade a double chin


truuuuuue dat~
as for logo, in terms of quick and easy manufacturing wise, and excellent aesthetic, you could always literally brand em.
grip tape where your feet go, wood burned name in the middle. simple as a hot metal stamp, production wise.
@slizer18 phone edits are hard :frowning:

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