Evolve Renegade - who's getting one?

Say what you will about them, but their marketing game is on point. Who’s getting one?


I prefer to have my brakes lock up on my own terms, not theirs.


To be fair, i don’t think they have any control over it either :rofl:


I’m very certain someone local will get one, hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to hop on it for a minute

Evolve might even host a local event to demo them tbf, they have a place near us and we’re on pretty good terms with them in SDesk8

Good to see another street carver out there. Time will tell if they have fixed some of their issues.

As if plenty of people haven’t gotten thrown off their vesc boards lol


Exactly. I’d rather get tossed on my own terms.


Is this really an ongoing issue though? We have like 7 evolves in our group minimum and I’ve never heard anyone complain about this. I thought it was a super old issue


The last time Evolve hosted a group ride in Sydney, not that many people joined. At least not as many as the first one they hosted in Sydney post lockdowns.

Also, an EUC rider crashed in the first 2 kilometers. And Jeff Anning noted one particular eskate rider was a hazard to himself and others as he remembered from past group rides.

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I’m not sure that is really relevant to the new board launch - it is true we have seen a decrease in eskate in general versus bikes, euc, etc. I do think there is still a place for it though

The Australia team is completely different than the US one so I can’t really speak to what happens over there

You did say local :slight_smile:

And my local scene is not as lively.

Maybe they’ll do it in America but Sydney doesn’t have as many eskates like it used to. Many have shifted their focus on EUCs (gotta go fast) and the remaining eskaters aren’t as social.

114 S Coast Hwy, Oceanside, CA 92054

Yeah the local Evolve location in SoCal is what I meant haha I’m hoping they’ll do a demo. We’re hosting a halloween group ride with them this Friday

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I’m long overdue to visit the American West Coast…

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they better not make a dogwater track :joy:

Style over substance if history is anything to go by.

Congratulations Evolve. You’ve made a Trampa product.

Broooooo… I could destroy the fuck out of this!! That battery is on the bottom!! :boom::boom::boom: hahahaha :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

they really marketed the removal of the bindings as a feature :joy:

ewwwwwwwww it uses spring channel trucks


It looks pretty sick. I wouldn’t buy one but it’s an interesting fusion of street and mtb characteristics.


I wouldn’t call Trampa as a good example of style…

(This is from my 34" ultra wide monitor, by the way)



The resemblance (or shall I say inspiration?) is clear.

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hey man some people enjoy having all of their weight on the rear truck to induce maximum wobble.