Evo Falcon BioX

Quite a few V2’s burning up in recent months… Had one explode spectacularly during the first motor detection a few weeks ago, it was replaced but still…

I’m not seeing any more burned up SC’s than Ubox’s. :man_shrugging:

Our only real option is to risk it at this point. Personally, I feel as tho chip/component mfging is under such stress QC is wavering in favor of keeping production numbers up which trickles down to explode-y products.


The biox hasnt shown a burned up unit yet. Not sure if it’s any different then the ubox V2 but there is atleast one of two in every Bioboard plutonium V2, so far no issues with them, I also havnt really seen a burned up stormcore yet


I could very well be dead wrong (bud) but I believe it used a custom firmware if anything.

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Xeniths also not great, primarily because they’re unities and unities are flawed but also BKB was supposed to buffer that out with good QC and warranty, and Mario has a box of unfixed DOA ones on top of the “well yeah of course the antispark blew” units out there


I’ve got two and haven’t even had the antispark problem on either yet.
One of them is… mmmmmm… rather abused, as well. The ol red one with a canbus, I’ve put through hell @ 90 amps per motor for quite some time :sweat_smile:
DOA’s kinda seem to be a running problem with most of our esc’s, huh? …at least the dead xenities don’t explode though, right? Lol.
LaCroix seems to be on top of their quality control more than most. I’ll throw that same compliment at maker x.
But on xenities; i trust mine as far as I can throw it at least. They’ve never betrayed me on a settings change or thrown a fault or anything of the sort.
One of them was erasing all my settings at the bottom of every power cycle for a while, actually, but it stopped doing that. Idk. Only issue I’ve had with em.
Not tryna argue against you on your points, either, I definitely trust my stormcore to handle more than my xeniths, and if you’re choosing between the two definitely go stormy.

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I dont know what bio is doing, but I also havent seen a single nuked biox.

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I checked; no custom firmware. The only relevant thing I saw that the biox mentions on it’s product page and ubox does not is that it has a thicker than normal pcb with hella copper to support it’s higher max current ratings.
I’m no electrician, but that sounds like it’d be the difference between a functioning esc and a fire all.
As always, though, I could be dead wrong(bud).

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Yes I though there was a bit more copper in the bioX

Inb4 everyone including spintend decides it’s just the ubox v3

I think there is also less chance for user error, not saying anyone in this thread screwed anything up, I had a V1 that went up in flames just like this, but I think this is always a bit of a factor. Also most BioX are CHIIIIIILLLLIIIIN…in 4wd those things don’t ever like heat up at all. And bioboards mostly makes 4wd, very few 2wd


Under the impression it’s slightly different like how the ones in the kaly are slightly different.

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I had a pretty bad blow up on a Maker-X Go-FOC DV6 recently. Worked for 2 years strong though. That said it blew a capacitor so bad I thought my battery was on fire.

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I thought so at first. It spooked me a bit so I just tried to get it out of the way lol.

Let’s get this party started.

Well we sold alot for DIY to and only one replaced that was probably a customer error.

Also I think most burned is a customer error. I have a ubox spintend version i have been using for a very long time with no problem.

Alot of spintend problem is also related that users are using wrong firmware. Its common users have been installing firmware from 100v on 75v etc.

If their was a common problem with the design you would have seen alot of complains on us and Kaly even if we use slightly other design etc. I would gues that it’s mostly a user error.

Maybe it’s that easy that users don’t use xt90s? Because ubox don’t have a antispark switch and it could damage the vesc from the spark when connected.(Just a gues)


Theres always going to be a risk of failure, a loose cable is all it takes.

Personally Ive got 8 vesc6’s in use over the span of a few years(4boards). Not one has failed. Ever.

Ive a pile of 75/300s beyond repair and a bunch of unities tho. (None of them mine to begin with, so hard to tell if unit or user fault).


I have done my best to keep that from happening with heat shrink, cable ties and hot glue.

I trust that Markus with his high standards would make sure to put the best parts in his boards.

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Never heard of it. Tried google. Does it have a name?

We are live.