Evan's hazardous workshop

Planning out my potential kaly build!


People who were/would be interested
@Nacho @jack.luis


nicer looking board then mine. u include the cost of the charger in there? Any soldering supplies used, or extra’s I was nickel and dimed $50ish dollars on my build if not for that I would be under $400


I included all of the battery cost in there as I got nickel and the PCBs for the batteries for 30 bucks or whatever. I used about 5 dollars worth of solder. I just bought a 7amp charger for about 60 dollars

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u fuse the battery? I ended up fusing mine for ease of use and more reliability. It was prolly the biggest pain in the ass and the spot where I spent the most cash, because my dumbass didn’t know how to look up or read data sheets at the time.

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fusing the main leads of a battery is not a good idea. The charge port, yes. fusing the main leads actually reduces reliability because the second you blow that fuse you lose breaks.

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battery port, not the discharge cables. Its kinda pointless to do so in esk8 and can be a safety hazard like u said for the discharge leads.

My bad for not being specific enuf, forgot about the two points that possible to fuse.

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yeah everyone should fuse their charge port, especially me since I dont have a cover for mine. If some piece of metal shorts it then the fuse blows and my bms and board are fine lol

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yeah especially since most chinese manufacturers tend to lie in the product specs and my dumbass at the time went through 4 different barrel jacks until I found the only two reliable ones that work for esk8, by trial and error. If I went down and read some of the reviews or looked at the spec sheets that were listed on other posts I would have seen that they have a max rating and not the bullshit rating they advertised on the sell page.


ah im using a GX16 which can easily blow that fuse. I hate barrel jacks.

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yeh gx16 r more reliable, but it is what it is now. Live and learn


I think you want channel trucks it’s a Kaly
I don’t think I’ve ever seen RKP on a kaly

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Two reasons I’m going rkp

  1. It’s funny
  2. I don’t have enough money to finish the build now. The only channel trucks I could realistically afford immediately are the AliExpress ones that are apparently really durable.

Just make that your last purchase I’ll look around for ya
What is the budget for trucks and pulleys?

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Not sure I really have a hard budget as I’ll be spending money as I make it. Im going to use a lot of parts from my Evo originally, and as the build progresses I’ll start upgrading/switching the parts so I can have my evo up and running again

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12s4p p42a battery for ~$325?!!!? I need friends like @jack.luis


He did all the work, I just checked it


Teach a man to fish and he’ll cook you a whale


I am a whale lol

325 doesn’t include all of the redbull and food I bought, but it’s irrelevant to the build as I wanna keep the price tag low.

Also my BMS is pissing me off. Can’t find it on Bluetooth so I gotta take my board apart.

Cut a bunch of nickel for free?


hahaha yeah