EU WTS Molicel P42A - NEW - 3,50 Euro at 100+

I guess what it comes down to is we seem to have different ideas of what constitutes a negative experience. You didn’t pay for items that you didn’t receive, so this falls into “no harm, no foul” territory for me.

In which case a negative review seems overboard in my opinion. In your shoes, I would simply go and find another vendor/seller that offers better communication.

No hate, just skate (as the legend @Venom121212 would say.)


Looks like I have to make a report to the Admins here so he gets removed from the Forum.

With his real name I found @Nathraichean and the communication I had with him.

Of course he received as everyone else an answer on his request.
In total 4 replies.

But he was not asking for cells or the NESE cell holders, he was asking for a 12s5p battery pack for his longboard.

So looks like he has no knowledge to make such a pack by him selves.
He received and offer, I explained him about the BMS and I have no chargers for 12S

I asked him for his phone number so we can speak about if on the phone but he never replied.

A copy of all this (in German as he was asking me in German) is in my e-mail and happens the 28th August.

On the 9th September he contacted me again, asked again for a price he received already before but was not replying to my request to have a conversant ion on the phone about it.

I can make a 12S5P pack which has 21mm diameter and is 5 Meter long :crazy_face:
Truck freight will be around 2500 Euro :joy:

So do not sell or make any business with this person !


In Germany we call this “eingesargt”.

Klaus is a stand up guy, don’t waste his time. Adults aren’t afraid to have a quick 3m call instead of repetitive emails.

He sells to those who can fulfil that remit at a very keen price & does a lot to ensure delivery happens

  • Know what you want & ask clearly
  • Pay with delivery details
  • Receive cells

Simples &:point_up:my personal experience

shipping today to @Dinnye

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Lol are you talking about yourself ?


I received mine earlier this week (within a couple of days from ordering). All positive experiences. Thank you Klaus!

I will get started on building them into a 21S4P today


Hi Klaus. Kannst du mir mal eine PN senden?
Ich komme aus dem Foil.Zone Forum.

Grüße Markus

Hi Markus

was sending you a message and my contact details.
Best if you reply direct to my e-mail otherwise things might get lost.

Will get more P42A the 1st week of April.
If anyone needs P42A please send me a message.

Hallo Klaus,
ich baue gerade mit Unterstützung von Markus (kiteboarder1980) ebenfalls ein eFoil und bin auf der Suche nach Molicel P42A Zellen. Zudem hat mein Onan Drive eSkateboard Akku den Geist aufgegeben und ich wollte diesen nun auch durch Molicel Zellen ersetzen. Bis jetzt war ich nur im Foil.Zone Forum aktiv und bin somit neu hier im Esk8-Forum. Falls du noch Zellen aus der Aprillieferung zur Verfügung hast, wäre ich dir sehr dankbar wenn du mir eine PN schicken könntest.
Vielen Dank und schönen Gruß,
Markus (aus dem Rheinland)

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Will be back home 4th May.

In case anyone else need some P42A I can ship the 6th May.


Hello do you still sell molicel p42a? I would be interested in 120 pieces.