esk8Life 12s BMS How to Wire?

Dammit…now I’m hungry.


Eat a battery

or maybe just mooch off one :laughing:

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I have a taco rn and it feels like it’s only one of those cheap remote batteries :disappointed_relieved:

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You shouldn’t need a switch if you’re in bypass mode, not sure what you were doing with that last lead though

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Its not a switch, thats the charger port.

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Im basing things from this video:

He has 10 leads so it matches his setup.
I for some reason have a 12s BMS with 13 leads.
This confuses the hell out of me since Im not sure
If I should leave out B13 or Connect B13 to B12 or Not skip the
1st line in the 2nd parallel pack as he does in the video.

If I choose to not skip the 1st line in the 2nd pack then I can make use of all 13 wires.
If I skip that wire then I would end up with all the holes filled and no room for the final ground wire
from the BMS that is shown in this video.

Any and all help welcome. Uploading a better video now of my setup.

The Setup:

Now what do I do with B13?

lmao at this erry tim

Well some places say to solder them together some places say ignore it. So idk…

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they for sure usually say the first and last wire go to the + and - of the pack.

Sometimes there is no main positive like that 10S bms you showed.

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watch this.

That’s a different BMS in that video. I’d just follow the first few comments on this thread. BC0 is black and goes to the main negative. Then each consecutive wire is soldered onto the series connections in order. Then the red wire will be on the main positive.

Or watch that video in the post previous of mine

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Kinda late, see if this helps


The issue is for me what to do with the last wire.
If I skip the 2nd batteries positive then it all fits and will output correct with meter.

I just watched the video I linked and he skipped the 2nd positive and proceeds.
If I do that then all ports ae filled and no room for the final wire he uses.

If I go like I feel I should then I will pass up the 2nd positive and just fill all slots.
This leaving the last BMS wire on the LAST black wire of the 2nd battery.

I believe since it has the 13 wires this is how I should proceed. An this check out on the meter.

Brosif all 13 wires land on your battery pack, maybe you can see it here

This is the same exact bms that you have, in fact I almost exclusively use that one. And all 13 wires land on the battery, what you are confused about is that the last group or group 12, will have 2 wires on it, the red wire on the possitive terminal and the white wire right next to the red wire will land on your negative terminal of the 12th group.


You can see it here
That res wire goes to your main battery possitive terminal and the white wire goes to the same pgroup but lands on the negative terminal, from there you have 1 white wire per negative terminal on the rest of the p groups and you will have the black wire land on maim battery negative terminal

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This may help see it better


Listen to @Skyart. He and many others are very correct. The other bms you show comes from different parents. This one wants a negative at 0, the other doesn’t.

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A BMS usually has N+1 cells, you might be able to see how this lays out

I think the two 6s packs to make a 12s is messing him up, so the “normal” pack diagrams maybe aren’t sinking in.

Try connecting your two 6s in series so that it’s a 12s pack, connect positive end of your voltmeter to main battery positive then measure the balance leads to find the sequence.