Esk8 vendors should sell gps tracker.

What networks is using? 3g 4g 5g and/or LTE?

Its fine that you think that way. Ok. USA needs to find a new system that protect both side, but if the thief continue to steal from us. Will you let me defend my self? You know punch once and hold them down until the cop comes? Im just trying understand both side. You feel me.

I know my action was crazy. The next time it happen to me. I will use more submission moves. Sounds better? No punches or killing.


It sounds like you got caught up in the heat of the moment and chased him down - which is understandable.

Hypothetically, if I had a gun and someone was running away with my skateboard, I wouldn’t shoot them. I hope that most of us would do the same.

Legally, you can do this in some states but not in others.


Unequivocally not. But the OP didn’t intend on putting the thief’s head through a window. He was trying to get his board back and this was an unfortunate outcome. This is also akin to blaming the victim. A woman doesn’t deserve to be assaulted by walking around scantly clad either.

I say this tongue-in-cheek bc I know you’re not drawing an equivalency but the arguments are the same.

I :100: agree w u here as well. Basically your entire legal system is based off of ownership in one way or another. But it also needs to be acknowledged that the govt’s answer to petty crime is to lock people up which is just as bad or worse as to what happened to the unfortunate thief.

Prevention is always best but what does that look like? Here in Canada where we have less violent crime, a more robust social net and people’s ability to meet non-violent crime w force is severely restricted, we have significantly more petty crime than you do. I could take a few guesses as to what deterents account for this difference…


Half of theft is due to hunger, and we throw away literal tons of food every day.

Who’s really to blame?


Yes, i was heated and a monster when it happened. Lol i couldnt control myself. Will i do it again… maybe… i rather get the gps tracker and let the cops do the rest. seriously, i didnt know i could smash someone like that. Once i find the gps tracker thats work well for esk8. I have to make a video about this for everyone.

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Half . You’re right, but this guy came from NY. His criminal history was crazy. I think one of the cops told me he is wanted.

I wasn’t being specific to this case. I was being very general

Yep. I just had a top shelf+++ board stolen right of my hotel room last wednesday. Probably staff. They won’t release video. It’s under investigation. Did everything except the GPS tracker and yeah, lesson learnt. Houston Texas.

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Ouch, i’m a houstonian and that’s the first i’ve heard of something like a board getting nabbed out of a hotel room. Hopefully you can get your shit back soon!

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Keep an eye out. I took of the second smaller bumper bar and removed the bindings for street riding. It had a trampa branded black cover on the battery. Houston texas , Stolen from Galleria area Extended Stays America hotel room. Wed August 3rd 2022. I posted an alert on Instagram as well Login • Instagram


That’s the kind of thing you should loudly complain about on their social media.

Stuff getting stolen directly from a hotel room isn’t something that company wants to be made public. If they’re not cooperating, public opinion is a great motivator.


your on the money. I have been trying to get the video out of them. Police are going to try as they are not cooperating. I have the media post ready to go as soon as this moves along. Cheers. I did get room key log times off the manager and I have a open time when i was in the bathroom (tracked from browser history)…Sherlock fkin holmes them


In the heat of the moment the perpetrator opens themselves up to bodily harm and even death. That’s just a fact of life. These things cannot be predicted , as a victim does not know the given stresses they are subject to on any given day being triggered by some low life scum taking precious items that lets face it are like Gods gift to mental health. So Shit happens basically. We try to be good humans , we don’t want to hurt people. But take my board or boards and I’ll likely break every damn bone that touched it if i catch them in the act and they resist and I am threatened.


i know, …haha

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I use these gps dog/cat trackers with a buck conerter in my more portable builds:

Yea, there’s a yearly fee, but knowing I don’t have to worry about chasing someone down to get my board back is worth the expense. I’m too old for that shit and too pretty to go to prison if I lost my temper and did something stupid. So gps all the way :+1:


I fully understand what it’s like to be in the heat of the moment, and I understand the anger one feels when something is taken from you. That’s exactly what makes this kind of situation dangerous.

Story time, because my experience helps frame my position on this:

I’m a large man. About 15 years ago I put someone in the hospital and was every bit “justified” as far as the law was concerned (they attacked me). I unsuccessfully tried to deescalate. In the heat of the moment I got the upper hand, put my knee on his back and pummeled him in the side of the face until he stopped fighting back. He ended up in the ER with his face hamburgered, 30+ stiches.

That shit still weighs on me- even though looking back I’m not even sure it could have played out differently, he wasn’t going to stop until I made him.

And all the same I felt absolutely horrible, still do. There are certain acts of violence that will leave marks on your soul- regardless of how justified you might have felt in the moment. This incident ended up dividing a friend circle, it hurt me emotionally and physically (broke 2 metacarpal), and I can’t say any of it was worth it.

If I could go back in time with what I know now, I’m not sure things would play out differently as this guy was looking to start a fight. But I could have shown more restraint, tried harder to escalated, and/or not decided to end the altercation through brute violence. I also probably could have just walked away, and I didn’t. By definition of the law, what I did was self defense, but ultimately it solved nothing and only left me with lasting emotional pain.

The bottom line is any time you get into a physical fight with someone, both of your lives are at risk. Ask yourself if the fight, the fallout, the potential liability is actually worth whatever replaceable possession is being threatened.


I also have at least one BKB gps tracker I’ll send you for shipping. Potentially two if you want something for your gf. I think the SIM card is like $5/year to activate or something?

I stand by my recommendation of an AirTag tho, as that’s what I’ll be using instead of the GPS trackers if I can ever find a fuck to give to actually put something in.

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Air tag sounded good till I saw this, doesn’t the below mean if the thief has an iPhone, it will tell them they are being tracked basically?