Esk8 vendors should sell gps tracker.

I think is time for esk8 vendors to add gps trackers in their store since these board cost more than a used car. Last week, my wife’s ebike got stolen from Target parking lot. The thing is… The car was locked. I think the robber used a RF multi tools to open the door and now is gone. I’m speechless.

Two days ago… I went to Little Ceasar to get my pizza. I left my board outside to get it. Then this dude took my board without me looking and ran with it. Since I used to run alot. I caught up to him and smashed his head on the glass door. All I could say is… I had blood from him and he was knocked out on the ground too. Once the cops came to the scene. They arrested him for his criminal history. I was free to go and I got my $2600 diy board back.

Since I went through this… The cop told me get a gps tracker, so they could catch the guy realtime. Either way… Everything I did was perfectly fine base on the cop.

The question is… Where can i get a gps tracker for my esk8? This is mandatory since this world’s going crazy


Damn bro do you live in Newark?

Pretty sure buildkitboards started selling a gps tracker like 3 years ago.

Also - AirTags. Even if you don’t have an iPhone, just need a single friend that does to log them to start. Can take out the noise buzzer in 30 seconds. Better than gps tracker tbh. Take and endmill or something, cut a tiny hole out of the deck, epoxy it in. Under grip tape or some shit.


It got discontinued

nuh-uh, not once.


This is specifically why I build boards I can carry and not park outside.


I leave it outside attached to my dog, but always in view since I’m afraid my dog will be nabbed too.


Metr LTE is a nice way to track it, as long as the board (or the LTE module) is powered on.

Board can be disabled remotely.

(I believe you can power the module via a secondary power source)


AirTag in a nicely drilled cylindrical pocket & epoxied in is probably GOAT esk8 tracking in 2022

& no, I’m not a fan of Apple either, but that’s irrelevant. It’s cheap & highly functional



That would mean the beginning of an actual war.


Yeah it’s sad to read about insta dogs being nabbed.

+1 to the apple AirTag idea. But I forget what their battery life is like.

All I got from this is that you think you’re a hard man.


Roughly 1 year. For $25 or so?

Can easily not even care to remove the old one, just drill a new hole every year & epoxy in.

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Jesus Christ man, smashed his head on the glass door…?
Do you mean you smashed his head straight through the glass window?
Kinda looks like he fell through and bled in the store a little, before jumping back out…
crazy shit you track star ninja


@Darkstar826 are you for hire as a personal esk8 bodyguard? I hope you’re not hurt following this event!


I live at Connecticut. The robber is from NY. I guess he came here to steal.

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There is a problem with airtag or similar products. Its a bluetooth device. You have to rely on people with iPhones to pin point the location. If everyone has andriod and/or you live at the farm. Airtag will be useless.

Well, you have to be. I will not allow anyone take advantage of me. Plus. I work super hard to save money and build this board. Plus. Renter insurance doesn’t cover this either. The cop was on my side for this. I’m just protecting my property.


I’m fine. My heart rate was high as heck, though. I did tried to relax after couple days. Me being a personal bodyguard… no. it was stessful. Lol

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You’re right… i did kind of threw him in the store. I DON’T mean to hurt him tho. It just my adrenaline rush was up there. This time… I will let the cops to do their job.

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