Esk8 vendors should sell gps tracker.

Even if the justice system isn’t interested in filing charges against you - the thief could easily file a civil suit against you for ramming his head through a glass window. He would probably win too. You’ve already admitted that you attacked him while he was running away.

Also, who the fuck leaves their expensive board outside a store? Never… Not even once, would I ever do that.


I also would not leave my board outside a store but I have seen a few folks I was with leave Onewheels and scooters outside stores before.

Definitely not advisable.

This you?

I guess where I’m from, anyone this obsessed with violent prosecution & judgment might be the one in need of a hug. :person_tipping_hand:


I literally used a padlock and chain to secure my boards inside of my van at Carve PDX. You don’t need to make it impossible to steal things - just a little bit harder. I feel bad for anyone who gets their shit jacked - but come on… use some common sense.

Also, fuck airtags in boards. I don’t want to get those goddamn notifications when I go on group rides. It is so annoying.




This is grippy sock vacation shit…


Even if i go to court. I’m fine with that. At the end of the day. I know he won’t do it again. That’s all it matters to me. I dont want sound like a gigachan. Im just tired of people stealing. Its almost every day on the news. Seriously it’s out of control here… even tho i left the board outside. We should not fear someone or worry someone going to steal our things. We should live in a world where we could respect each others period. Im still going to stand up for my action even if the justice system failed on me. At least i know the true who is right. Im sorry i did this.


I dunno man, it’s a slippery slope re crime and punishment for a theft. Is it ethical defending your property w force if it’s a skateboard? What about your car? What about the source of your livelihood? What about your kid? Letting the state deal w theft vis-a-vis imprisonment is just another form of violence if we’re being honest. Some blanket statement that theft should never be met w force is a gross oversimplification imo.

The extreme iteration of this idea (meeting non-violent crime w force) is obviously also inappropriate and unethical- shooting trespassers or would be thieves first and asking questions later. This is grossly disproportionate and an antiquated, machismo world view perpetuated by outdated, medival laws like the castle doctrine.

Imo, it’s appropriate to defend your person AND your property w appropriate/proportional force. I don’t think the OP did anything wrong even though the outcome was not what was intended. Ultimately, karma always catches up w thieves.


@b264 and @DerelictRobot . Lets not fight guys… i know did something right and wrong at the sametime. Im just here to get ideas so this doesnt happen again. Lets work together my dudes.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m glad you’re okay. I have a bkb GPS tracker if you want it for shipping cost.

In the end, an electric skateboard is a luxury hobby item/toy by the greater world’s definition.

I’m not advocating for allowing people to steal with impunity, but it would be impossible to not take into account that the US is a legal system that often values property over human life. We are already leaning the wrong way systemically.

Putting someone through a window is not a proportional reaction to a skateboard being stolen. OP also created the opportunity by leaving said skateboard unattended, in public, so there’s something to be said about personal responsibility here. If he’s afraid of theft because he sees it constantly on the news, why create a situation where something can be so easily stolen?

With a broken window he could be an inch away from creating a life threatening injury and ending someone’s life, permanently impacting those close to them for the rest of their lives.

Is an esk8 worth taking a life over?

I don’t think so, which is why you see me pushing back against this amount of escalation.

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What networks is using? 3g 4g 5g and/or LTE?

Its fine that you think that way. Ok. USA needs to find a new system that protect both side, but if the thief continue to steal from us. Will you let me defend my self? You know punch once and hold them down until the cop comes? Im just trying understand both side. You feel me.

I know my action was crazy. The next time it happen to me. I will use more submission moves. Sounds better? No punches or killing.


It sounds like you got caught up in the heat of the moment and chased him down - which is understandable.

Hypothetically, if I had a gun and someone was running away with my skateboard, I wouldn’t shoot them. I hope that most of us would do the same.

Legally, you can do this in some states but not in others.


Unequivocally not. But the OP didn’t intend on putting the thief’s head through a window. He was trying to get his board back and this was an unfortunate outcome. This is also akin to blaming the victim. A woman doesn’t deserve to be assaulted by walking around scantly clad either.

I say this tongue-in-cheek bc I know you’re not drawing an equivalency but the arguments are the same.

I :100: agree w u here as well. Basically your entire legal system is based off of ownership in one way or another. But it also needs to be acknowledged that the govt’s answer to petty crime is to lock people up which is just as bad or worse as to what happened to the unfortunate thief.

Prevention is always best but what does that look like? Here in Canada where we have less violent crime, a more robust social net and people’s ability to meet non-violent crime w force is severely restricted, we have significantly more petty crime than you do. I could take a few guesses as to what deterents account for this difference…


Half of theft is due to hunger, and we throw away literal tons of food every day.

Who’s really to blame?


Yes, i was heated and a monster when it happened. Lol i couldnt control myself. Will i do it again… maybe… i rather get the gps tracker and let the cops do the rest. seriously, i didnt know i could smash someone like that. Once i find the gps tracker thats work well for esk8. I have to make a video about this for everyone.

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Half . You’re right, but this guy came from NY. His criminal history was crazy. I think one of the cops told me he is wanted.

I wasn’t being specific to this case. I was being very general