ESK8 Forum Universal Heatsink | Supports Most Major ESCs

Awesome. Good to know

is unity more centered? or also offset the same?

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I still do not know the offset on stormcore, but unity offset it so little. Seem like only 1mm. I should have spent the extra on analog calipers, my digital ones are dead so I am going off the written numbers

designs a badass new aluminum heatsink

calipers have dead battery

That’s like writing a computer program on only an analog typewriter


haha. I will use heatsink money for nice ass pair of calipers. Usually we would have robotics everyday, I would just do it there.

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I think it should be called InfinitySink


goddamn, these are all so good. InfinitySink is my fav so far, sounds slick. After I become sane again (still checking holes), I will decide lol

Good thing about 2 piece design is it does allow mods or redrilling of the mounting plate to suit other (future) escs without extra holes being visible on the exterior plate. Infinite compatibility!


It isn’t quite as good as before with the counter sinks, but yea future ESCs are possible with a counter sink plate. Honestly in the future I can just do another run

Are the counter bores in the mounting plate or the back of the top plate?

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bottom of the top plate

right, so wouldn’t really be useful for future ESCs, so you would have to use a counter sunk mount plate.

I figured socket heads were worth the trade off

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Socket heads FTW
Prolly still DIYable with a bit of care if needed.

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oh yeah for sure. Anyone comfortable (and careful) with the right drill bits can do it reasonably easily.

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Where does the gasket go?

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I have moved it over a bit to reduce offset. But gasket for what?

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I might be overthinking this, but better centering would be better for sealing. :man_shrugging:t2:

/edit unless that happens on the cover plate.

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it is a bit more centered now. I just can’t push unity to far the other way

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also the gasket goes on the other side, maybe I am missing what you are talking about?

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Yeah, never mind me, forge ahead.

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I can’t seem to find the info I need, but when is the expected delivery date on these? Roughly a month or so?