Esk8 confessional

Once you learn Thane it’s hard to think pneumies could be better in any way besides comfort

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But comfort is like the main reason to use pneummies… That’s not a good argument lmao

Second to that is grip, and you cannot say thane has more because that’s just wrong haha


I think he meant comfort is the only benefit.
In which case…
He’s dead wrong, bud.

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thane can use the edge, pneumies have no edge

Actually yeah, can we get some flat patch runflats already?


Grip and safety over shit roads is my main reason.
Could give 2 shits about comfort, deweighting takes the shockload off my joints




Ur weird, Al.

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Figured I should add this here so no one can say I encourage the dumb stuff I do if I mention it:
I’ve ridden my board in just about every weather condition that you aren’t supposed to ride in. Minus an actual tornado as last time I was about to ride right before one might have started I got offered a ride to where I wanted to go. I was too tired to reject the easier transportation option.

I’ve even ridden on flooding roads where there was a good inch or two of water on the roads. Got stuck in a sudden down pour and it was during covid restrictions + I was already completely soaked. It wasn’t flooded enough to make the roads dangerous to people or cars though. No water damage and got home safely.

I highly suggest avoiding bad weather if you have another form of transportation though. I’ve since moved and there is no weather now. Only heat. I would still personally ride in bad conditions again if need be, but I am an idiot with a high pain tolerance. Stick to good weather if you want to reduce the risk of injury or board failure.

Oh and the only safety gear I have is a helmet. My first aid skills have improved immensely after getting into eskate :rofl:


2 to 5 cm of water covering the roadway


2cm is a good rain here but 5cm of water? That’s a flood.

I have no idea what board I’m putting this on, I impulse bought it entirely because I saw it when I was picking up a new car battery, and it had a lightning bolt on it.

I regret nothing.


I finally have a pneumie setup I’m really happy with, so I’m finally getting it. Doubt I’ll stop loving thane, but we’ll see which setup I grab more often.

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I’ve put more money into my new zeus pro than the board is worth in parts upgrading it. Probably would have been cheaper to just start from scratch since once i’m done with what i’m planning almost nothing will be original lol.


Most of us have gone the Ship of Theseus route. :joy:


I can def see myself riding thane on a stretch of new, perfect asphalt bc that’s just wholesome fun right there but the safety and comfort afforded riding on shitty city streets not to mention the ability to tackle variable terrain is just a no-brainer.


I used to live on a mountain and that much rain out of nowhere was normal in the spring/summer. You could normally just wait it out and it would be over in less than an hour and the roads would just be wet after. Only rarely would roads end up flooded to the point of closure and even then it would only be half of the road being closed.

I know it sounds bad but if you lived there it wasn’t anything abnormal. The tourists would always over react when they saw it happen and think that the rest of their day was ruined until someone from the area told them to wait 5-15 minutes and it would be over.


Not at all, do you know anything about the Rocky mountains or north american west coast? The other day it rained 4 seperate times before 9 am, then was hot and sunny the rest of the day. A couple weeks ago we had 30 minutes of hail on an otherwise dry and overcast day. Even the weatherman here has no idea what’ll happen haha. The joke here is “it rains on one side of the street but not the other and switches sides when it feels like”

I used to live on the mountains that actually feature plant life. AKA: east coast mountains. You’re right to anyone used to mountain weather it won’t sound bad/abnormal but most people haven’t lived on mountains. (Probably)

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It’s not even a ship, it’s a hodgepodge of ignoring my student loans and buying parts way nicer than this thing deserves LOL.

Here’s the complete list of everything i’ve bought for esk8 short of protective gear and bandages, just for reference