Enertion - A Eulogy


I m quite new on the forum. I have read post and subject on the two forums in the past but i knew nothing about all nesting and story about jason, enertion, esk8 forum…

So thank you for all information and members work, i have learned a lot today and thank you very much for all this explanation Anorak (is it a link with the music group :sweat_smile: ?)

It s true that i have been waiting so many months (and more than a year) my raptor but in two years of regulat use, never had a problem (just rear wheel like every body but nothing else). I feel like i’m really lucky…

Because i have never had problem with the raptor i continue to think it s probably one of the best board and without doubt the best board i have had.

So i m quitly sad because one day, i will have no spare parts for the raptor, and sorry for all members deceived by enertion…


When that day comes, we will be here for you


Hi I’m new to E skating & this forum I bought a raptor 2.1 along with my friend seems to work ok but like a lot of people the back wheels have gone to sh#t. Does anybody on here know of some other brand of wheels which would fit the enertion hub motors or is it a lost cause ?


Hey dude,my mate in Sydney Aus might still have some left



Thanks dude that might get me going again I was hoping for a alternative as the enertion wheels are rubbish and won’t last long again plus once you can’t get them anymore I’ll be stuck again once more

The ones for sale on that website are Enertion product so you will likely end up with the same problem.

However there are a couple of people working towards replacement sleeves, check this thread out

And also


Thanks dude really appreciate it hopefully I can find something :v:

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Imperium have the only outwheels available right now… and i don’t think he has many left. You’ll have to wait for anything else and whether or not it actually eventuates is a gamble :man_shrugging:

How many raptor sleeves do you have left @elitejarcool ?

Yes boi, check my website out,


I’ll take a look dude :v:

I was lucky to try the Raptor from Moja when Jason visited us in France and I was very sad because he didn’t want to give me an other Unity because mine was burned during last TT competition a few weeks before… But he needed it for promotion in Europe. So I had to do the TT track with my street board in caves ! Anyway I received the new Unity a few Time layer… I appreciate the ride & technic skill of Jason and it’s good to see people doing New stuff and selling it. When it goes further without his créatif, it’s no more Brandt… But legend. So enjoy your builds or boughts.

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Sounds fun!

10 guesses they’ve got nothing because anything of value was sold on the raptorshop before he was caught


If your going after Potter go after his sole trader business not his Pty Ltd. Sole Trader assets include car house ect… Enertion was a sole trader first. I have the records.


FTFY. It’s working so far. Fools are falling over each other to buy reject hardware from the craptorshop.


Am I the only one the sometimes has Harry Potter pop up in brain as reading …and then we come off as a bunch of Ass Hats…I mean I come back to reality after a second and I know he’s pulled a bunch of shit that pisses me off too …and I was a big fan of his at the begining…

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But isn’t Enertion separate completely? Or was the sole trader assets transferred to the limited proprietorship?

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The sole trader changed its name to some fake tea business but a laywer can still press the cause.


Bob said so right? Haha

Just get one of these an call it a day. No worries about getting ripped off. Or the people that did already.


hey Jason, seeing as your here i was wondering if you could help me out and point me towards the unity hardware schematics?