eLofty Direct Drive Discussions-read before buying

I guess so, but I just want some insight. I’m waiting on my unity anyways I guess so it doesn’t matter but. Meh

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Yeah, you are not having the best experience/luck with this but it seems like you’re not letting it get you down. Sucks though to be sure.

You’re not alone my friend. There are a few of us in the same situation.
@Tonkatron @Ricardo @janpom and me at least…
I guess we have to be patient.


Notice anything interesting?


Ahh!! A rare sighting of the elusive and thought to be unobtainable elofty temp reading.


We have a winner.

So I don’t exactly have the motor core temperature, but the hangar surface temperature close to the motor. Basically I got waterproof thermistor(10K NTC) from amazon and connected one end to ground and other end to temp pin. I tested it will boiling water and melting ice. Seems the beta value is same as the default in vesc.

I mounted it using thermal epoxy and then some jbweld for strength. Like so:

I went for a 4km ride just now. The outside weather is currently 17C. While I was riding the motor temp flattened out at 55C. When I got inside it rose to 68C max and then came down. I guess because it wasn’t getting active cooling anymore. I did a touch test and the can was hot, but I could hold it for a long duration. Also you see noise when I am accelerating, that’s because of induced voltage in the temperature wire when there is a large current flow in a nearby wire. I can probably mitigate the problem by moving wires around.

I don’t understand why the manufacturers can’t put a thermistor in there. No one talks about space constraint, but that it just doesn’t work. :man_shrugging: I’ll actually try to put one inside when I get around to opening it at some point, until then this is a good enough estimate for me.


@rpasichnyk, the average consumption still doesn’t look fixed. If you divide total energy by total distance, you get 72/4.3 = 16.7 Wh/km. But the plot shows the average consumption as 19Wh/km. Any idea what this discrepancy?

This work doesn’t deserve this compliment. I merely joined 2 wires, but thank you :slight_smile:


Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. :slight_smile:


My consumption dropped since the update, I average currently at 11wh/km.

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Still no response from Kenna for me :cry: stilll waiting over a month after purchase…

It’s now a race between my unity and my elofty drives lol


Know how you feel in the same boat ordered the same products. From now on out im making a point to specifically ask venders about the shipping time and not ordering anything that can’t be shipped immediately :triumph:

Well, in the original thread, we were told our products “should arrive within a week” so

Yeah it was a factor as to why i ordered. Now looking at haggyboard complete 2 in 1 drive kit i have high hopes on getting that before im to old to ride. And a fs 4.2 instead of unity that’ll only tak a week to ship

My drive is clicking sound when it rolls.
Loose magnet?

May also be a bad bearing


You were one of the first ones to buy, right? They upgraded the bearings and some epoxy later on. You should record a video showing the sound and send it to her. Also post it here.

BTW, is the sound coming when you stand on it and roll or when the board is empty.

Would be possible for those who bought it on eBay a while ago to get the new bearings? I’ve also slightly bent the axle, can we buy it?

Oh no, that’s not good. Just by regular riding or did it crash I to something. Do post a pic here. Regarding buying parts, I have no clue, just send her details, I would say.

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yep, maybe first ones. I will take a video and post it later. thanks.